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  1. Ako prinútiť AI, aby obsadila bojový bunker, tankový bunker a budovu v .INI? Pretože AI stavia bunkre, ale neobsadzujú ho a ničia civilné budovy.
  2. This DDraw not working. Error - Cloud not find OneDrive/Setup.exe
  3. This DDraw not working. Error - Cloud not find OneDrive/Setup.exe
  4. Hllo, I want install CNCnet and I have question. Can I modify game with editing AI.ini and Rules.ini like in original game? Thanks
  5. Hello, I was installed Red Alert 2 with change compatibility ("use legacy display ICC colour managment", and another) and work great. But I can't install datadisc Yuri's Revenge. I try change compatibility, but no change. I use disc. Install was run, update was finish and when will start install, then setup was minimized on desktop. When I click on setup in taskbar, then will open black screen on 1 second and return to desktop. Where Is problem? I think is no problem with SafeDisc because Red Alert 2 was install successfully with change compatibility. Please help me. Thanks🙏🙏🙏🙂
  6. AI not build Battle Lab and buildings after Lab. AI not garrissoning Battle Bunker.
  7. Suggestions: 1. AI does not collect crates or decompose new MCVs from the crate to the construction yard. 2. AI does not capture Secret Lab and Tech Outpost. 3. AI will not build a new base near another ore field. 4. I don't think AI repair bridges. 5. AI does not decompose Siege Chopper into a cannon. 6. Please add Dreadnought and Aircraft Carrer in water crates. Sorry for the English, I'm Slovak.
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