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Everything posted by mitta

  1. hey guys i'm looking for a script. i want the yuri psychic tower to capture and auto send it to the grinder anyone knows how to do that ?
  2. ai problems i found 1. they often clog up by bridges 2. v3 launcher & dreadnought missile fly's random across map (not shure about the boomer) ai mods suggestions 1. destroy surrounding buildings when building space is to small to make room 2. engineer rebuild bridges (not shure if this one is already in it ) 3. build defence around oil dariks/tech airport ect when captured 4..bigger hovercraft attack (it's just one now if im correct) 5. ai hunt crates (when found a difrent mcv they build it) 6. ai use yuri prime to attack and sell enemy base like i said not sure if some of those are already in your script. so far i realy loved your IA's made the game 10 tmes better in my opinion so keep up the good work i hope your still moding or at least someone else is continuing your work ?
  3. hey guys like the title says i need help with my scripts im new to this so a lot looks like hocus pocus ? i was wondering if some one could code some scripts in my map if your up to it pleas send me a dm so we can discus it in privet . (want them to be a secret so people can vind out them self) map is not 100% done but here is a litle sneek peek ?
  4. first of all hey guys i'm new here and happy to see aftar all these years c&c is still a big hit so i used a map made by Alpaca so credits to him but i made a lot of changes and almoste dressed the full map and made some extra land but i would like some scripts added to the map i whatch multiple video's but if i do it the game keeps crashing so no my question is there somone who would like to ad some scripts for me ? if your up to it let me know whe will discus the details in privé so the map will keep it secrets
  5. same for me most of the times when i use large maps 8 players or modded maps
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