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  1. Recently I got the latest version of Twisted Insurrection. The game is really fun but has some severe technical issues. It keeps encountering internal errors. This happens mostly when you play third or fourth skirmish match. I haven't attempted to play online yet because of this issue. It doesn't matter how the previous game ended, whether normally or aborted by player. Sometimes even the second match ends up with a message about encountering an internal error. One GDI mission also causes this problem when you try to load a saved game. It has no problems if you restart the mission but save it any time and try to load that position and again the game will end up with an internal error message. Said mission is 6th or so - the one where you begin with 2 Scatterpacks and 2 Snipers and have to blow up a train bridge using an engineer. I'm adding the latest crash logs for more info. EXCEPT_2021_12_26_14_08.TXT EXCEPT_2021_12_26_19_03.TXT EXCEPT_2021_12_26_19_26.TXT EXCEPT_2021_12_28_21_51.TXT
  2. About 3 years ago I made a Yuri's Revenge multiplayer map on a whim. It came out quite well but still remains in more or less beta state so I've yet to release it. The problem is I placed some neutral Battle Fortresses and want to fill them with desired infantry but have no idea how to achieve it. I placed few troops close to one Battle Fortress and tied them to script "board transport" or something like that, but nothing happened. There wasn't a single hint of a setting which transport should they actually board. What am I doing wrong? I also placed Yuri's command center in the middle and want to make it reveal the entire map for the player who captures it. Again I can't seem to figure out how.
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