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  1. Ok, I finally finished the mission in my 3rd run. this time I didn’t save the game nor built any super weapons. Im not sure if it is the game saving break the trigger or the super weapons. at least I can continue on.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply concolor1 if you need, I can provide more details in order to address this weird bug as I have played thru 2 times but both cannot be completed. I was running Origin version, no disk. 1st run: captured south base, established defenses, destroyed 5 silos, wiped out entire Soviet forces, secure Einstein, eliminated ally forces, mind control Einstein and move him to escape point, no objective complete notice, then destroyed all silos, mission still not completed. 2nd run: captured south base, didn’t destroy any silo, destroyed north con yard, war factory and barracks, secure Einstein, eliminated ally forces, mind control Einstein and bring him to the escape point, still didn’t get the objective completed notice, didn’t continue from that point. additional notice, during both runs, some of the saved game cannot be loaded especially the saves before secure Einstein. hopefully those info can help or I can do more runs with different combinations.
  3. I could not complete the mission 8. As I bring the professor to the escape point, there’s no notice saying that the second objective is completed. And after I wipe out the entire map, there’s no victory as well… played on normal difficulty.
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