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  1. still having this problem please help (switched to patching ultimate collection installation after having a multitude of other problems with full web installation.)
  2. 31337FRAGG3R1337

    music bug

    okay so when i try loading a game in single player the music cuts out and i need to either load the game a second time (which brings the music back) or keep selecting a song every time i load. any fix for this? downloaded from cncnet using a full web install btw.
  3. downloaded the game from cncnet (full web installation and cd2) and found a strange bug with the cursor. its always set to escort as if im holding ctrl + alt even when im not. only other place i saw this documented was on this thread which seems to report a similar issue and said that restarting fixed it. it didnt for me however and even after a full reinstall im still having this issue. would really like a fix cause its nearly impossible to play the game like this. thanks in advance.
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