It feels like they're repeating the same mistakes as Duke Nukem Forever. They attempted to create a game based on a beloved series, but they went in the wrong direction. It's as if they're trying to please both the old fans of the Command & Conquer (C&C) franchise and the new generation of gamers at the same time. The C&C fans would enjoy seeing familiar elements like Kane, tiberium, Mammoth Tanks, Orcas, and even Seth in the game. However, a mobile game with pay-to-win mechanics is not going to make C&C players happy. On the other hand, the new generation of gamers might be interested in mobile pay-to-win games, but they don't understand or appreciate the depth of the C&C franchise. They don't recognize it as a great series. So, we already have two types of people who dislike the game. The next type is the bandwagon trolls...