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  1. Updated : I just downloaded cncnet client and installed it and while a lot has improved, the blur when scrolling still wouldn't go away. I've tested this in the first campaign of Yuri's Revenge. However, when I started up skirmish game of 1v1 there doesn't seem to be a problem with scrolling...this is the only problem I have with the game although I remotely remember it having the same problem of blurry image when scrolling through maps on certain pc when I played it back then...still have no idea what caused it.
  2. I'm playing vanilla on Origin client. Using i5 6500 and rtx 3060. And I don't think this has anything to do with video compression, it happens strictly in gameplay and the blur only occurs momentarily during map scrolling. Could it be that it's related to the fact that my refresh rate is 144hz? Do I need to limit it to 60 or 30?
  3. I'm using 144hz monitor on 1920x1080 res and has already enabled triple buffering with vsync but the blur is still there when moving screen. If it's just unit moving then nothing's wrong, it's only when scrolling screen that the blur happens.
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