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Everything posted by ninjabr

  1. Thanks for the response Tunnel I've tried one from Brazil(Me and my friends are from Brazil), WormsRulez and Cncnet Europe to play with my friend and also tried another player games without success. I'll try the FC and Rowsnet(how's the name of these?) later Map In this I mean different maps and "rooms"(people created games on lobby). I'll try with some other maps later too. Renderer I agree that this would change anything, but tried just to try something new(yeah, i know its kinda dumb) Thanks again, I'll try new scenarios later
  2. Hello there, I'm having a problem with match loading screen appears and only loading for me, the other players bar doesn't load on my vision/computer, but for them run's pretty fine, and in the end I can't play online, only on lan mode. Same problem as this topic. I've saw plenty of other topics(some very old) with same problem but without a solution. Some details: Windows 10 Latest version of CnCnet for Ra2/Yuri Revenge Using Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection(Ea/Origin version) properly patched with CncNet What I've tried so far: Auto-ready off and on(when joining another one's game, or a friend's game) Create room's with multiple different Tunnel Server I/They tried with Auto-ready off and on too Changed Renderer Multiple rooms/games Run's pretty fine on: Campaign Skirmish Lan via VPN with friends
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