Hello there,
I'm having a problem with match loading screen appears and only loading for me, the other players bar doesn't load on my vision/computer, but for them run's pretty fine, and in the end I can't play online, only on lan mode. Same problem as this topic.
I've saw plenty of other topics(some very old) with same problem but without a solution.
Some details:
Windows 10
Latest version of CnCnet for Ra2/Yuri Revenge
Using Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection(Ea/Origin version) properly patched with CncNet
What I've tried so far:
Auto-ready off and on(when joining another one's game, or a friend's game)
Create room's with multiple different Tunnel Server
I/They tried with Auto-ready off and on too
Changed Renderer
Multiple rooms/games
Run's pretty fine on:
Lan via VPN with friends