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  1. Hello All! I haven't run the patch with the 1920x1080 resolution yet since I've gotten slammed at work. Some last minute projects got thrown on my lap and I've literally been working 14-16 hours/day and thinking about working weekends so I can catch up. Just wanted to let you guys know I haven't given up or I really haven't done anything recently but as soon as I get a chance I will post an update on where the CnC patch worked for me or not. TheYosh
  2. Thanks for helping me out! So I figured out on how to get my resolution to run at my monitor's native resolution which requires you to modify 3 ini files. It's the DDrawCompat, RA2 and the RA2MD ini files. Here's the link to the web site that explains this in more detail: How to change the resolution in Red Alert2 to modern resolutions Now is the CnCNet5 patch not working because of my monitors resolution as well? Would love to get that working as well since playing online would be loads more fun. TheYosh
  3. The game does not crash, the CnCNet5 patch installation does still crash though. Game runs fine on the default resolution settings. I just tried reinstalling the game via EA Origins and updated my video drivers to the latest drivers to see if that helps. Thanks again for all the help, I really appreciate the guidance. TheYosh ClientCrashLog_2024_03_09_17_12.txt
  4. I downloaded that file and replaced it with the existing RA2MD.ini file and it did not work. Thanks for putting that together for me. The strange thing is it was working fine with the 5120x1440 resolution before the EA update... TheYosh
  5. Thanks for the replies! When I get to the point of installing the CnCNet update that is when I get the Kaboooom notice that the installation has failed, thanks for the YouTube tutorial since that made me feel a little better about the fact that I didn't do something stupid to upset it. Since I repurchased the game through the EA Origins app I figured the link to the Steam version will not help me, hope I'm not wrong on my assumption. Found the specific ini file and changed the settings but did not help me. The resolution I put into was 5120x1440, is that way too high? Should I try another value? Maybe half both numbers? The weird thing is before EA updated the game RA2 was running at my native resolution just fine with the same Kabooom error with the CnCNet update patch. I'm not sure on how I got the game to list my specific resolution but it was available within the game menu options to change my resolution to almost any resolution I wanted, that's what is strange about all this.... at least to me. Appreciate the help, I'm probably going to try and reinstall the game and cross my fingers it works this time around. Is there a link or some way I can donate to help pay for a little of the operating costs for this site? I really appreciate communities like this being around that help random strangers and want to do my part to try and give back since technically I'm about as useful as strapping a rock on yourself trying to swim. TheYosh RA2MD.INI
  6. Hello all! Hoping to get some help here with Red Alert2 to run on my native resolution. Weird thing is I had it running fine up until EA updated the game yesterday. I'm running Windows10 and as stated earlier I purchased the game through EA. The game plays completely fine on the given resolutions in game but would like to get back to playing my monitors native resolution again since it just looks horrible at the games default settings. I've tried to modify the RA2.ini file already but that hasn't worked. I attached the crash log as well per the instructions. I don't know what I did to make it work before, I literally had a list of all the possible screen resolution listed within the game options menu before and now it is gone. I am not a computer expert by any stretch of the imagination, just a old guy that wants to relive the days of no worries with Red Alert 2 in front of him. Love communities like this and is there a way I can donate towards the up keep of this forum? I was looking for it earlier but could not find it, cheers! TheYosh ClientCrashLog_2024_03_08_22_01.txt
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