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Everything posted by vLCoLd

  1. i never felt lower than i do right now i used to like this game i was top 20 every month now im just a guy people beat and tell me ohh ur not bad but they want bad players to win against
  2. well its prob cause im terrible at the game havent won a single game so i know its not cheating and i dont know how to cheat and i never will cause thats for pathetic people with no life, but other than that im the worst player on the ladder is there less than 100 people on the ladder now? if so then i guess thats it its dead officially im going back to sc2 then cya
  3. So i used to make alot of maps that would be picked for ranked ladder maps when i used to play downloaded the map maker doesnt work everything is black havent won a single game and really feel like i should just give up everyone is telling me ohh hey no your ok ur not bad but they just want more bad players to win against i dont know about the dog cant eat engi thats so dumb i dont know whats going on but my opinion doesnt matter hwere would i go to get some help cause im not playing for fun games i play ranked like star craft 2 i want to be the best at everything i d oand now im just dog trash water so anyone got tips or anythign that i could use to benefit my play like if you want me to go to discord so other people can tell me how bad i am im not interested im just constantly losing eveery single game no matter hwat cause im trash and really frusterated so it was nice back in the day when alot of people played this but now its just all players that are veterans so i guess good luck in your games have fun guys i know there typos im mad and i thought this would be fun but its not so ;o4wr t3fi8ifhjuw3o;PTGF8UJH AT least can i make maps whats the best map maker now cause id like to contribute something cause obviously my skill is completely gone i dont know how i got so bad at this i used to be top 20 every month geeze its frusterating i literally cant win a game
  4. Please any solid explanation and ill consider not unninstalling this but why am i recieving punishment for no reason>?
  5. So i played my first game no problem lost you know its been a while precapped oils thats interesting then i get a 1 hour cooldown when my opponent does not connect to me so ty for ruinging my experience this is dog water and cnc is a still a joke. what is going on to where this happened for no reason i didnt do anything wrong wth?????????
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