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Review of Desert Tower Defense


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Recently I played my last year Tower Defense map. (/map 0d3eeb1ead98b2dbd4719da5d64e8c7fdb2c4a63)

The reason I'm making this post is the TS players are amazing and never end surprise me! Yesterday (22, October 2019) I met some solid Defense players I never saw before here on CNCNet. Sure its not possible to know everyone who is playing online but lets cut the BullSh*t here. ?

Here is my 1st post on Forum how I started of making the map and the final release: 

Moving on.. you wonder how the maps looks in its action if you haven't played it so far. I must say I was always curious how will it works with multiple players. The answer I got yesterday with these amazing builders looks like this... (Thank you: Telie2, ZX4, malmi, AI for 2hours full of lag and amazing gameplay)





I'll see you in Desert Tower Defense | 8 | episode 2 | bk57


Edited by bk57
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