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please help, getting an error with final alert 2 when I try to open some .map files for editing


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so guys I'm a huge fan of red alert game, i already have downloaded lots of maps, one of those are survival maps made by Dctanxman for yuri's revenge got them from this link: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7223-survival-maps-by-dctanxman-for-yuris-revenge/

they are very awesome and very challenging, but the ones I have tried them are very impossible due to short prepare time, one of those maps i have uploaded it here, it is solo survival against the waves

therefore i downloaded final alert 2 so i can edit the time the enemy waves start spawning for my personal preference or probably edit the terrain...

the thing is when i try to open the map with final alert 2 i get this error: "fatal error! final alert 2: yuri's revenge(tm) doesn't support the theater if this map!" after that the software exits...

this happens with Dctanxman's maps at least to every map i have tried to open...

even though i have opened with finalalert 2 other maps with .map extension from other sources and they worked fine...

please if anyone can help me out i would really appreciate it


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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old topic but I was running into the same problem. Of course I found this thread, and also found no solutions. I literally went through EVERY LINE of these files before I figured it out. It had to be something done on purpose from the author to prevent copycats. It also had to be something that would be ignored by the game by not by Final Alert. If you go to the Theater section of the map in a text editor you should find that it will be Desert or Temperate. Well if those are not all in caps ie DESERT or TEMPERATE then you get this error. You just have to change the case and it should open. Hopefully this will help someone! 

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