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Cursor Issue


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User of mac (os monetary)(intel). And cant seem to run tiberian sun smoothly.

1- I tried this setup using wineskin but wasn't able to download the game...

So, i installed different windows using virtual box:

i)-On windows 10, I installed the game but when i ran game every-time the mouse didn't work.Already installed TS patch.And already tried every renderer.Graphic patch doesn't detect the game.

ii)-On windows xp, when i run game at lower resolution (any renderer, skirmish) mouse works but its extremely laggy (however the game runs perfectly smooth).and when i run game at higher resolution mouse sometimes work but laggy and sometimes doesn't work. (i just installed Ts patch inside directory.And put cnc ddraw file into the game from github.)

iii)-On windows 98, I got extremely annoyed just trying to install all the driver and cr*p.

iv)-On windows 7, its the same as windows 10.

2-I also used wineskin (directly on mac using homebrew) to install other versions of game from the internet.

I got the game running but whenever i moved mouse idk why but the game starts to slow down. the faster i move the mouse the slower the game gets.and the mouse keep blinking (like going invisible and visible in no time again and again). and when i stop any movement of mouse the game runs perfectly fine.

(Personally, i think that virtual box or mac is the cause of this or maybe something to do with settings.I'm doomed.)

i really want to play this game (i spent many hours doing these steps). Please tell me a way to fix this.....
(not really fluent in english.so overlook mistakes)

Edited by unknown_neon10
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On 9/26/2022 at 5:41 PM, unknown_neon10 said:

User of mac (os monetary)(intel). And cant seem to run tiberian sun smoothly.

i tried this setup using wineskin but wasn't able to download the game...

so, i installed window xp and 10 using virtual box.On both windows, I installed the game but when i ran game every-time some kind of error shows up (like mouse not working. slowest speed of renderer. not running). Already tried every single renderer. Patches don't really work.The TS patch doesn't work. And Graphics Patch doesn't detect the game.

Then I used wineskin to install other versions from the internet.
The game got running but whenever i moved mouse idk why but the game starts to slow down. the faster i move the mouse the slower game gets.

Never mind. I got a version of the game which fix most of the problem (resolution,mouse,lag). The only thing is the game gets a little slow when i scroll.which is okay because now i use keyboard button to move up or any direction. 
Thanks (even though nobody helped).

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