Good day all,
first of all I would like to introduce myslef. I am interested of all CnC games. I am PvPGN developer. My big task is coding full featured Westwood Online server. At this moment we have coded support for all WOL supported games (Command & Conquer, Red Alert 1, RA2, Yuris Revenge, Renegade, Tiberian Sun/Firestorm, Emperor, Dune 2000, NOX/Quest) and also clans,buddys.
Right now Im completing Ladders protocol backend - that is point where I want to ask you for support. I need to find how is counted "points" in WOL ladders. We will probalby need to get this from XWIS servers but it need to play for long time and Im bussy. Also if anyone will want to make testing/bug reporting PvPGN, I will be gladly.
About PvPGN - PvPGN is open-souce gaming sever emulator coded in C/C++ programing language. It is multi-plaform so you can run it on BSD/nix/WIN systems. Maybe you can run it for your nice comunity?
If you want to test one of servers which running PvPGN with WOL support, connect to Enderzone sever IP: