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  1. The CPU in that is ARM based RA is x86 so that wont work. Perhaps you can install an x86 emulator and Windows XP on it. XP and C&C can run on a CyrixMII-333 with 128Mb of memory, so perhaps if you can emulate a Pentium and install CnCNet, then you can even play online.
  2. Wasn't there going to be a Java client?
  3. [edit] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME1AxWaz6n0 The previous link is broken.
  4. Do you have premium? I'm considering getting premium, because they show solving routes (which they don't in basic). Just wondering if it is worth it? I have Mathematica, it do all those things the premium do and more. The solver routes works very well with Integrals (with limits they only use L'Hospital rule everywhere, ruining the state of art). I got it free from where I study, I don't know how expensive it really is.
  5. Very good explanation. You should be a teacher! And no, I didn't actually read the wiki page - only skimmed through it (not that I'd be able to understand it all). Still, I did not believe it. What X3M says, however, makes full sense. But this is not about 100 doors - only about 3 doors and no, I wouldn't switch the door! You perhaps may not trust the math calculations behind it, but I think that if you write a very simple simulation of this problem, then you will convince yourself.
  6. X3M: You might find the Monty Hall problem interesting.
  7. Okay, your claim is: if c c c x + y --- = x and --- = y, then, ------- = ------. Let's see what can we get here: u v u+v 2 ---- 2 take u != -v. since if a = c and b = d implies that a+b = c+d, then: c c 1 ( c c ) x+y --- + --- = x+y , then --- * ( ---- + ---- ) = ---- u v 2 ( u v ) 2 then c c c c 2c ------ = ----- + ----- . But ------ = ------- u+v 2u 2v u+v u+v ---- ---- 2 2 2c c c 4c c c then ------ = ---- + -----, ------- = ---- + ----- u+v 2u 2v u+v u v And that is only true when u = v. [edit]: I just noticed that he was dividing (u+v)/2, not the entire number.
  8. Just a note, your most inner loop iterates trought Y and you're doing a multiplication with a constant there, where X is fixed. You are accessing the memory in somehow a "random" way and loosing the speed-up from L1 cache. Reimplementing it fixing Y and iterating trough X *might* improve performance. (This trick is used a lot in Gaussian Elimination/Cholesky implementations)
  9. SiRaLex: You should check this tool: http://www.wolframalpha.com/ you can plot graphs, derivate functions, integrate, solve linear systems, etc.
  10. x +x = x * x 2x = x² 0 = x² -2x x² -2x = 0 x² -2x = 0 x(x -2) = 0 x1 = 0; x2 = 2 Correct. That's a quadratic function! But what does this have to do with the topic? The topic is about weird, confusing division rules! That is correct only if your algebra is a domain of integrity. (a*b = 0 <=> a = 0 or b = 0) Take, for instance, the ring (Mn®, +, *). Then X(X - 2I) = 0 do not imply that X = 0 or X - 2I = 0 are the only solutions. Take the matrix: [ 2 0 ] [ 0 0 ] It is different from 0 and 2*I and still solves your equation.
  11. I Stopped when I got presented by the Schröndiger equation. I will get back to that, eventually. What!? Why?! That is one of the coolest equations out there. Although, I am good in math, that one too has suffocated me in progressing in understanding quantum mechanics fundamentally math based. But understanding what the formula's mean, can be told to children. And then you realise it is one of the coolest things out there. I won't bother others here with the talk though. Due lack of time. Yeah, the equation itself isn't hard if you know how to calculate some differentials, but the Fourrier Transformations can be really annoying As for math: It is my friend, aways there helping me out solving things.
  12. I Stopped when I got presented by the Schröndiger equation. I will get back to that, eventually.
  13. Yo! I'm 20 and Computer Science student, and my subjects of interest changes from time to time. Some stuff that I would like to take a look in a near future, when I stop become lazy and get some time: - Compilers and Interpreters. - Neural Networks - Functional Programming - Low level programming (Assembly for anything that needs it) - Quantum Physics (Yes...) - Psychology
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