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Titan Joe

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Everything posted by Titan Joe

  1. That makes sense. My XCC mixer lacks that TD mix type. Time to look for a new version. This was my first attempt using XCC for mixes. I used to use Mix Maker, but it doesn't like my Windows machine. I'm off to find a different version of XCC. Thanks. If you want a screen shot you can imagine one up really easily. Now close you eyes and put your self in a Command & Conquer state of mind. Imagine trying to start the game without thew CD before the "no CD fix." The screen goes black and a box outlined in green with the C&C green text appears. Instead it says: "ERROR - OUT OF MEMORY." And there is one button to press just below the text in the box. It looks like all the buttons in the C&C menus. It says: "ABORT." That wasn't necessary, but I think it's really easy to get the image. Plus the colors were messed up and I'm not good with C&C screenies.
  2. That program threw out a different hex number, but here's what it gave me and it works great. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;Reg-file has been created with DirectDraw Compatibility Tool ([url=http://crappybitter.livejournal.com/tag/ddc_tool]http://crappybitter.livejournal.com/tag/ddc_tool[/url]) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\sole] "Name"="sole.exe" "ID"=dword:34F5D59C "Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\sole] "Name"="sole.exe" "ID"=dword:34F5D59C Now if only C&C maps could be as big as Sole Survivor Maps. Anyway, thanks.
  3. So since I can now play with the right colors, I've decided to check out the C&C TD missions I was working on a few years ago. It ran great yesterday. Now I get this error message when I launch the game: "error - out of memory" and there is an "abort" key under it to press. I've never seen this message before. I don't know where to begin. FYI specs: Core 2 quad 64 bit, 8 GB ram, windows 7
  4. This is what I made : Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Sole Survivor] "Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00 "Name"="sole.exe" "ID"=hex:03,b6,f1,34 But I had no luck. I did the same thing to make it work for RA and C&C TD. It's not really important since there is no server for the game and the game crashes about 30sec into it.
  5. I actually just found that right before I checked back here. I followed the path (for 64 bit) and I only found C&C95's entry. This is after I ran Sole Survivor. I would think that it would be there. I tried it a few times, but I must be missing something.
  6. So maybe this is totally useless, but Sole Survivor has messed up colors too. Couldn't we make a registry key for that too? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Sole Survivor] "Flags"=hex:00,08,00,00 "Name"="sole.exe" "ID"=hex:d5,83,dd,32<<<<--? The only thing is those last hex numbers. I don't know where you get them from. I saw for to C&C RA and C&C TD they are different, so I'm assuming that they are uniquely chosen for the game. A couple of other things to report: C&CRA v2.00 Colors are still wrong with the fix (v3.03 is fine) but C&C v1.04a Colors are good with the fix (worldwide warfare install)
  7. Isn't that driver an old version? I'm running 191.07 that one looks like 177.89. Do the colors look ringt with that driver in C&C?
  8. "WIN 7 = Fail Downgrade recomended" Have you tried it yet? I was running it on a 9 year old computer with no problems. It ran better than XP. It only had 1GB of DDR1 in it. This new computer of mine destroys with it. I haven't been able to crash it yet. the 64 bit barrier is a bit of a problem, but C&C still runs (granted I can't get multiplayer to work yet). If you haven't tried it, I would suggest that you do. My video card: MSI GTS 250 OC I'm not too sure if I understand the solution, just open the window for setting the resolution and run the game while it's open. If you're saying that, then yeah, that's a strange solution.
  9. I thought that this may be an interesting topic, I recently got XP mode up and running on my Windows 7 computer. Right now all the colors are still messed up in C&C when I play it on an W7 platform. So I figured I'd try in in XP mode. I couldn't even get it to start an error box came up with no text in it to say why it won't go. It's probably a problem with virtual PC, but I figured that I throw this out there for any thoughts.
  10. Okay, so I just checked with the new hot fix and it didn't change. I tried the color fixes and nothing changed. Our computers are not branded. So, what should we try next. You need anymore information?
  11. I got a few problems. I just put C&C on the Windows Xp computer. I want to do LAN play against my brother on his Windows 7 computer. Every time the game starts it says that we are out of sync and we cannot play. That just wont do. We both have the 1.06b patch. Both games run on their own. My brother's computer has messed up colors and I cannot figure out why. The other information I found here does seem to apply. Also the last problem has me even more perplexed. I cannot install the Covert Ops. I figured that me not having that might be the reason for the multiplayer crashes. I'm running a mounted ISO on my hard drive. I have compatibility set for windows 95 and when I run the installer it says to "Please run Setup.exe from the CD-ROM disk." As far as the computer is concerned it is on a disk." I don't how to get around that one. Thanks!
  12. Hey dudes, it looks like it has potential... To finally end the torment of my favorite game. I give it a 1 in 1 chance of feeling like any other game than C&C. :down:
  13. Hmm, sad but not suprising. I spend more time in the real world nowadays. You know what happened to Arc at the Obelisk and to Andrew Griffin? I know that's way old stuff, but I'm just wondering. By the way, I played a little cnc2sw. I need to try it with the "newer" stuff, since I've been back.
  14. I was "out of the country" for a couple of years and found that my connection the the C&C community (the Tech Center) died. So I happened upon this site. Now I'm here. The only fimiliar name I see is Nyerguds. Where did everyone for the old world go? I love classic C&C. I was working on a few campaigns to add some extra Covert Ops missions. I might pick them up when I get a computer of my own. I just mooch computers off of others for now. All my stuff is on a few discs somewhere.... Yeah, that's about it.
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