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About glouf

  • Birthday 07/30/1988

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  1. Oh my gosh You can't think of how stupid I feel right now XD Thank you Tore
  2. As far as I know the scores.mix is implentet in the main mix for red alert. I'm a little bit afraid of replacing the mein mix of red alert with the one from the original CD. Would be great if there'd be a way to optionally download the soundtraack in the future :-) Until the I'll use Winamp ^^ Thanks for your fast replies :-D
  3. Hey guys, long time no see... First off I'd like to express that I really love how the new lobby is done and the whole CNCNet thing is running right now. Great fucking work I've already had dozens of nice red alert and tibdawn games with lot's of players ^^ Though there is one thing I'd like to add to my red alert: The epic soundtrack :laugh: Is there a way to get it back or am I the only one who has none? I mean the all the tracks are in the playlist but my thought is these are placeholders. Will be no problem to get the .mix file but wich one do I need ande where shall I put it and even more important would this cause any problems with online playing? Thank you for your answers
  4. As for the area of effect you can set AtomDamage to 8000 and spread to 100 guaranteed destruction
  5. No this has no effect. Because the target is out of rnage when it is right above it
  6. Dear feelow modders. I got the following Problem with RA1 I converted the A10 to RA, replaced the Spy Plane with it added Cameos weapon changes etc. etc. etc. For the sake of originality I'd like to have the Bombs being "Dropped" instead of parachuted. THAT is no Problem BUT the Plane stops Dropping when right above the target. This means the last Bomb explodes just before the Target. :ranting: Is there ANY way to trick this out and still keep the "Dropping=yes" parameter in the Projectiles text? Please Help Greets ~glouf EDIT just noticed this Thread should be in "The Reapirbay Forum" sorry for that :-(
  7. A really nice datail you attached there Great work
  8. Nyerguds let me know that the shp I previously uploaded had several bugs Now I repaird it and made also a version with the frame count fitting the Field Marshall aka [GNRL] ZIP contains both versions: e7.shp = Tanya with 316 frames gnrl.shp = "Field Marshall" with 264 frames Icon included Time to rock and roll! commando.zip
  9. Its all in the detail that makes things cool or not
  10. Now you say it O_o hmm. have to fix that will reupload it when its done. EDIT: Reuploaded it here. Now also includes a version for the Field Marschall aka [GNRL] Greets ~glouf
  11. Hello. Maybe I can help you I searched a while in my XCC folder and stumbled upon it! I can't take any credits for this because I did not create it myself. Unfortunatly I also dont know who created it It has the correct frame count to replace tanya. If I have time I will rearrange the frames to make it also fit for the [GNRL] "Field Marshall" Here you go greets ~glouf
  12. Here we have the GDI guard tower from TD ready for RA Converted it because the one I had from a RA modification didnt have a shadow wich looked quite strange. For the cameo. I didn't make it myself but I added it for you. The ZIP also includes the buildup animation. gtwr.zip
  13. Very nice. Maybe you could move this threat there Greets ~glouf
  14. I know that in the german version of AM the HeliCarrier is f*cked up. Maybe caused by the peoples who translated the game It appears as a Pink Box andcrashes the game if you try to move it. Greets ~glouf
  15. Hi everybody I'd like to share my converted APC shp with you. Its my first attempt to port something from TD to RA let me know what you think. I think TD APC looked much cooler than the RA one apc.zip
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