This is my first message here since 2009, lol. Big thanks for Tore for fixing my password issues.
I've played few dozen skirmish matches, some GDI missions and the first Covert Operations mission. Overall everything works very nicely, I haven't had a single crash so far, just some lag when playing with 3-4 AI's. But I am for some reason seeing some weird 'MISSING' texts in some maps' names in the official map list, and at least on GDI Railgun Turret. Also some unit and structure info boxes show texts from an early version of Tiberian Sun Redux mod for ZH (GDI Guard Tower has Vulcan Tower info, Onton Tank has Juggernaut info, MLRS has Hover MLRS info, etc.). I installed this mod on the same folder as the old Tiberian Sun Redux, but I think I deleted the old files earlier. I'll probably do a clean install to see if it has any effect.
Also, is it just me or does anyone else have about 60 FPS during missions?