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Everything posted by Dušan Xmetov
Dear Pichorra Sound can no longer be set to 'Emulation', and it doesn't seem to be needed anymore (They propadly fixed the problem) 8 hours sounds a bit too much, i swear it compiled within 5 hours on my NetBook with FreeBSD.
Ok people. So i decided to test out if C&C works on FreeBSD, it did, so i'm making a S-B-S guide on it. This topic may be useful for fellow FreeBSD users that would like to play C&C. So, the first thing to do is to make sure you have Sound enabled, if you want sound in C&C. To test if your sound is enabled, run this command: $ cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp If you hear static, this means your sound is configured correctly. If not, the handbook explains how to get sound working. Second, you want to install wine. I recommend installing it from Ports, like this: # cd /usr/ports/emulators/wine;make install clean Compiling wine might take a long time, so get yourself a coffee or something to keep you occupied. Once Wine is compiled and installed, rehash your shell: In sh: $ hash -r in csh: % rehash NOTE: If you are using GNU's BASH, you don't need to rehash and run Wine's config utility: $ winecfg A window will pop up about not finding gecko, press the download button and wait for it to do it's thing. Once it finishes, you will be greeted by the configuration utility of Wine. Why are we here? We need to override a certain .dll, so it uses the one supplied by the game, and not by Wine. Click the Libraries tab, and in the "New override for Library:" textbox, type: "ddraw" if it gives you a warning, just press "YES". Press the "OK" button on the bottom. Now, we need to download Mono for Windows. Just go to this website: http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html , and download the Windows Stable version. Install it by running it with wine: $ wine mono-X.X.X-gtksharp-X.X.X-win32-X.exe (Where X are version numbers) Just keep pressing next, accept the license, and it should install. Now that we have both Wine and Mono, we can finally get CNC. A nice person called Nyerguds, who also makes patches for the game, has made a nicely packaged version of CNC with CNCNet, DDRAW, and the latest patch of his. Go to his website, and download it: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/ (The one you are looking for is "Complete No-CD game installation pack (v1.06X rX, no videos, all music included)", where the Xes are version numbers) Run it with wine the same way we did with Mono: $ wine cc95v106c_r3_full_.exe NOTE: The filename may differ, this is how the file was named when i created this guide. The installation process is pretty simple, and once you finish, it will open up a configuration utility (This requires Mono to work, that's why we installed it) If you want to be able to play Multiplayer, you have to forward this port: "UDP port 8054". Here is a website to hopefully help you do that: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/CnCNet/default.htm An icon should be created in your menu to launch CNC. If the game has way too low FPS, and the mouse acts weird, edit this file: "~/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/C&C95/ddraw.ini" NOTE: This file was created in WINDOWS/DOS, and using editors like vi on it, you will see ^M on the end of each line. Just ignore the ^M, and don't delete them. And in it, change render from opengl to gdi, and mhack from true to false. NOTE: vhack doesn't work with GDI as the render, but you will have to live with that. That's all, have a nice day.
I'm not sure, but i think it only see's the 1st one.
Ok people, today i was pretty much bored, so i wrote a bunch of Scripts so other people don't have to . All of these Scripts work, i tested them. You may need to modify them, depending on your system These scripts are to mount Red Alert CDs and Launch Red Alert: RA.BAT @echo off cls if not "%CD%"=="YES" goto EMPTY if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD1" goto RaCD1 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD2" goto RaCD2 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD3" goto RaCD3 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD4" goto RaCD4 echo An unknown Disk detected in Drive D: goto Game :RaCD1 echo The Allied CD detected. pause set playra=yes goto Game :RaCD2 echo The Soviet CD detected. pause set playra=yes goto Game :RaCD3 echo The Counterstrike CD detected. pause set playra=yes goto Game :RaCD4 echo The Aftermath CD detected. pause set playra=yes goto Game :EMPTY echo The CD-Rom drive is Empty. You can mount a Red Alert CD by typing RACDX, echo where X is: echo 1 for Allies echo 2 for Soviets echo 3 for Counterstricke echo 4 for Aftermath goto Game :Game C: CD \ CD GAMES if "%playra%"=="yes" cd C&C_RA if "%playra%"=="yes" RA if "%playra%"=="yes" C: if "%playra%"=="yes" CD \ if "%playra%"=="yes" CD GAMES if "%playra%"=="yes" CLS if "%playra%"=="yes" echo Thank you for playing Red Alert if "%playra%"=="yes" set playra= RACD1.BAT @echo off if "%CD%"=="YES" goto CDCHECK goto MOUNT :CDCHECK if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD1" goto ALREADY if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD2" goto RaCD2 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD3" goto RaCD3 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD4" goto RaCD4 echo The CD cannot be mounted! A unknown Disk is mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Allied Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. goto Error :ALREADY echo The Allied Red Alert CD is already mounted Goto Error :RaCD2 echo Soviet Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Allied Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD3 echo Counterstrike Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Allied Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD4 echo Aftermath Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Allied Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :MOUNT imgmount d .dosbox/ISO/RA_CD1_ALLIED_DISC.ISO -t iso >nul set CD=YES set CDisk=RaCD1 echo Mounting ... echo. echo 1 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :Error echo. echo 0 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :EXIT RACD2.BAT @echo off if "%CD%"=="YES" goto CDCHECK goto MOUNT :CDCHECK if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD2" goto ALREADY if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD1" goto RaCD1 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD3" goto RaCD3 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD4" goto RaCD4 echo The CD cannot be mounted! A unknown Disk is mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Soviet Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. goto Error :ALREADY echo The Soviet Red Alert CD is already mounted Goto Error :RaCD1 echo Allied Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Soviet Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD3 echo Counterstrike Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Soviet Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD4 echo Aftermath Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Soviet Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :MOUNT imgmount d .dosbox/ISO/RA_CD2_SOVIET_DISC.ISO -t iso >nul set CD=YES set CDisk=RaCD2 echo Mounting ... echo. echo 1 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :Error echo. echo 0 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :EXIT RACD3.BAT @echo off if "%CD%"=="YES" goto CDCHECK goto MOUNT :CDCHECK if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD3" goto ALREADY if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD1" goto RaCD1 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD2" goto RaCD2 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD4" goto RaCD4 echo The CD cannot be mounted! A unknown Disk is mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Counterstrike Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. goto Error :ALREADY echo The Soviet Red Alert CD is already mounted Goto Error :RaCD1 echo Allied Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Counterstrike Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD2 echo Soviet Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Counterstrike Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD4 echo Aftermath Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Counterstrike Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :MOUNT imgmount d .dosbox/ISO/RA_CD3_COUNTERSTRIKE.ISO -t iso >nul set CD=YES set CDisk=RaCD3 echo Mounting ... echo. echo 1 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :Error echo. echo 0 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :EXIT RACD4.BAT @echo off if "%CD%"=="YES" goto CDCHECK goto MOUNT :CDCHECK if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD4" goto ALREADY if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD2" goto RaCD2 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD3" goto RaCD3 if "%CDisk%"=="RaCD1" goto RaCD1 echo The CD cannot be mounted! A unknown Disk is mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Aftermath Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. goto Error :ALREADY echo The Allied Red Alert CD is already mounted Goto Error :RaCD2 echo Soviet Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Aftermath Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD3 echo Counterstrike Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Aftermath Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :RaCD1 echo Allied Red Alert CD is currently mounted in Drive D: echo If you want to mount the Aftermath Red Alert CD, You need to close DOSBox, echo and restart it. Goto Error :MOUNT imgmount d .dosbox/ISO/RA_CD4_THE_AFTERMATH.ISO -t iso >nul set CD=YES set CDisk=RaCD4 echo Mounting ... echo. echo 1 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :Error echo. echo 0 Operations Finished! goto EXIT :EXIT
Wow! Pichorra, it worked perfectly, thank you much! It's so strange to play CNC with sound for me now XD.
Sorry Pichorra, but i don't understand what you say.If you are trying to point this to the topic I made having problems with CNC sound to work, well, that strangely happens only on my Netbook, Because I did this on my Big Debian computer and it worked flawlessly. Or you mean to setup wine to work with pulseaudio? Debian uses Alsa as the Default sound server, meaning no Pulse config needed.
Hey guys! I was just thinking of making something, so i made a tutorial how to install CNC on Linux Debian (This will work on Ubuntu, gNewSence, Ultimate edition and other debian-based distros) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqUWX4MNPjI#
This is about my Netbook, it has an integrated soundcard (BTW, I still use the USB one on my Big PC XD)
Yes, i did, it's set to alsa, and it works! Until i click the Cnc window, to lock the cursor in. then it stops working.
OK, I installed the 'wine' package, installed CNC95 as normal, all good. I started it up, and when i click on the CNC window, i loose soumd. Is there anyone who can help me? I tried to switch to FullScreen mode, sound works, but when i started a game, there is no sound!
Lol, i mean the CNCNET wsock.dll, And i know nLite good, that's how i got my sata drivers on the CD (I don't have floppies, and don't know where to buy)
OK, I just installed W2K on my comp, becaus XP was buggy, Vista even more, 7 wwas too slow, Linux didn't play Super Robotnik Land 1.1, so i installed W2K with all updates and i am Really happy with it!!! However! I installed TFD, applyed all patches and fixes, everything works perfect, except Red Alert CNCNet. When i press the 'Network' or 'Internet' tab, it shows something about a missing ordinal in WSOCK.DLL. Can someone help me with my problem?
Hello guys, I just recently installed Debian Squeeze on my netbook (I used Ubuntu Netbook rebix before), and noticed a slight speed boost, so i decided to install some more games (CNC and RA+). I installed the newest Wine from Winehq.org, Installed CNC with the newest paches, hotfixes, ddraw, cncnet and it worked buglessly!! . I downloaded RA+ By N3trunn3r, installed it, downloaded cncnet, and i have a problem. When i click the 'Network' button, the screen just flickers, goes back to Main Menu and nothing happend. Is there a way to fix this??? EDIT::: I solved this problem, i needed to add wsock32 to the lib overrides list in 'winecfg'
I have just installed the 'Debian' pack of OpenRA on my netbook (Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10, Custom kernel 2.6.37), installation was smooth and everything was OK, I started up the game startup tool, downloaded the Red Alert 'Mod', started the game, and, it went black, and then ended back into the startup tool. What can i do to fix this problem (Acer Aspire one D255)?
I use Linux
Restart your comp, worked for me. Hate this error.
CnCNet v2 has got Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 3.03 support!
Dušan Xmetov replied to Tore's topic in CnCNet News
That is super! -
I mostly play RA1 and RA2 and i make mods for RA2. i still play CNC1 sometimes, when i find some tyme
And why not redalert 2.0 Noone with redalert has aftermath?
To godly-cheese: Nyerguds helped me with this problem. I musted extract movies**.mix from the Data1.cab in The DVD, and the sechond problem was fixed by Extracting a newly-creaited file named "Maps03.mix" Now i can play fully working verzion of tibsun XD. Please, dont add more replys.
I have installed a legal copy of The first decade pack, made a backup of my .Exe files, installed 1.03 r4 (TFD patch), Uncracked my games, restored large infaltry in Ra1 (They are too small, dont you think?) and all games work perfectly, Exept Tiberian Sun. The problem is that in plain Tiberian sun, when i start a campain, i cant see any videos, and in Firestorm, i get a "Unable to read scenario!" error. Is there a way how to fix that? I am using Windows Xp SP3 My Hardware spec: 300GB hard disk, USB sound card, Pentium 4 (2,8GHz), ATI Raedon 3600 Series (512MB), 2GB of ram
Ok, so i will tell ya: 1st: Download Red alert 1 somewhere 2nd: Make a floder in your Dosbox installed Directory called ISO 3rd: Copy/Move the iso there 4th:If you run Windows Se7en/Vista, you have to click on the dosbox icon, select properties, go to contabiliry bar, and mark the "Run as Admin" option. 5th: Make sure that you have mounted your C: Drive 6th: Mount your downloaded iso as D: (MUST BE D:, or the setup will not work), by typing " imgmount D iso/YOUR_RA_CD_NAME.iso -t iso" 7th: Launch the setup program by typing "D:" then "SETUP". 8th Run the setup program 9th: After Kane has spoken (In the installation program), The program ends. Make sure that you have mounted your ISO if you wint to play. play the game by typing "C:" then "CD C:\WESTWOOD\REDALERT" then "RUNGAME". 10th.THIS IS A OPTIMAL STEP: You can make Startup .bat schripts to mount, play the game. Here is a example how a mount schript shoed look like:" @Echo off If "%CD%"=="YES" goto CHKDSK imgmount d ISO\CD1_ALLIED_DISC.iso -t iso >nul Set CD=YES Set CDisk=REDALERTCD1 Goto Done :CHKDSK If "%CDisk%"=="REDALERTCD1" goto ALLREADY If "%CDisk%"=="REDALERTCD2" goto CD2INSERT If "%CDisk%"=="REDALERTCD3" goto CD3INSERT If "%CDisk%"=="REDALERTCD4" goto CD4INSERT Goto OCDINSERT :Done Echo The Allied Red Alert CD was mounted! Goto EXIT :ALLREADY Echo You allready mounted The Allied Red Alert Disk! Goto Err :OCDINSERT Echo There is a mounted CD, but it is not for Red Alert Echo If you want to play Red Alert, Restart DOSBox Goto ERR :CD2INSERT Echo There is a Soviet Red Alert CD mounted. Echo If you want to play Allied Red Alert missions, Echo Restart DOSBox, and run this again Goto ERR :CD3INSERT Echo There is a Couterstricke Red Alert CD mounted. Echo If you want to play Allied Red Alert missions, Echo Restart DOSBox, and run this again Goto ERR :CD4INSERT Echo There is a Aftermath Red Alert CD mounted. Echo If you want to play Allied Red Alert missions, Echo Restart DOSBox, and run this again Goto ERR :ERR Echo No image mounted Goto EXIT :EXIT @Echo on"
I think you are using Windows 7. or not? To Get Yuris revenge working, you must set the contability to Windows 95 (XP, SP2) or 98/ME (XP,Sp3,Vista,Se7en), Ant do get Ra2 And TibSin working in Win7, just set contability to winXP SP3, BTW Install SP3 man! SP2 has lots errors and bugs!