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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. I'm glad! I just wish I could get more feed back. I have this posted at PPM too but not much there too.
  2. Overview of what you will find in the mod: General supported list Single Player campaigns plus ALL Counterstrike and The Aftermath mission. Skimish mode, You milage may vary with it. From Command & Conquer 95 list Units Structures Sounds Music, 20 tracks. Counterstrike and The Aftermath expansions still use there RA-1 tracks Ingame side bar and icon. Videos: Win, loss and few brifs. Command & Conquer Red Alert list Units Structures Sounds Music, Counterstrike and The Aftermath expansions only Ingame side bar icons. Videos: Win and loss. From Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun list In game EVA voice Now for the Tech layout. * is Aftermath unit only. TechLevel 1 Harvester Rifle soldier/Minigunner Power plant Hand Of Nod Barracks Refinery Storage silo TechLevel 2 Rocket soldier Grenadier Sandbag wall Guard Tower Field medic Fakes Construction yard TechLevel 3 Humvee Nod Buggy Nod Recon Bike Transport (ship) Attack dog Transport helicopter Longbow attack helicopter Ship yard Sub pen Weapons Factory Attack dog training facility Gun boat TechLevel 4 Medium tank Light tank Gun turret Engineer Fake Weapons Factory Service depot Communications Center TechLevel 5 Armored Personnel Carrier Surface to Air Missile launcher Submarine Chain link fence Fake Communications Center TechLevel 6 Mobile artillery MLRS Rocket Lancher Flamethrower Spy Flame Tank Infantry Fighting Vehicle Light/I.F.V.L* TechLevel 7 Destroyer Adv. Communications Center Obelisk Of Light Chemical Warrior* Field Mechanic* Chem. Tank* Airstrike is available when Adv. Communications Center is built. TechLevel 8 SSM Lancher Commando Adv. Guard Tower Concrete wall Advanced power plant Adv. Light Tank TechLevel 9 Mammoth tank Mobile Construction Vehicle Stealth Tank Cruiser Jammer Tower Helipad E.M.P Tank* Missile Submarine* Demolition Truck* Mobile radar jammer/ mobile headquarters Orca attack helicopter TechLevel 10 Temple of Nod Missile silo Nuklear Strike is available when Missile silo is built. Ion Cannon is available when Adv. Communications Center is built.
  3. Update the RA-1 gunboat with missles and the turret is from the Destroyer. That one slipped by. :-/ That happend because I was having one of those day were it was done coverting all the other and I was fine with "Longbow". I'll have to rework all these thing. The icon souldn't be much, must do ingame name too but the Silo may be some of a pain. Update pic attached. Updated the silo in game image and icon. Changed "Longbow" icon to "Apache". Added helo blades to Orca icon so that matches in game Orca.
  4. Sould be good as theres around 10 years of on and off work in it. If you have saved game from 3.03 you can jump around and play a few of the mission as there all suported.
  5. Full release. No quite, you were able to read the RA-1 error that was a palette loading code. I was geting it when I renamed temperat.mix to tempera!.mix but did not know I had to swich temperat.pal to tempera!.pal too. If you had not told me this there would be no tiberium at all. Also you made "Red Alert: The Lost Files" had I never see it. I would have never know I could hex edit RA-1 to start with. "Red Alert: The Lost Files" was the key for me. With out it I'd still be scraching my head trying to make things work. I was late when I posted this... :-( Ture but you have many of the other fixes in it. That make it stand out as it own patch to me.
  6. Current version of Red Dawn is Red Dawn 2014 Last updated 5-29-20 Red Dawn 2014 is standalone like 2013 and still uses Iran Patch/Portable RA that added Hires and better compatibility for Vista and forward systems. Red Dawn 2014 dosen't differ to much from Red Dawn 2013 when it comes to single player missions. The most noteable change is Nod now uses secondary colors for all missions. Five new mission added and one fan made are now included in the game. Jungle theater by Tschokky added and used for five of the new missions. Red Dawn Online has been merged with Red Dawn 2014. This mean online play on CnCNet 5 (old CnCNet 4 has been removed). Aftermath Game option is now Classic C&C option and when turned on the game will only use C&C95 units and buildings. The exceptions are the Missile Silo, Ship Yard, Gunboats and Tranport. The Missile Silo is needed as it is the only way for a Nuke to be made. The Ship Yard, Gunboats and Tranport are need for some RA1 maps most notable "Docklands (Medium)". RAED (Map/Scenario Editor) has been updated to the version edited by Iran to use all 6 theaters. At this time the CnCNet 5 ra95-spawn.exe dosen't support the Jungle theater but I have updated the CnCNet 5 lobby's map preview generator so when/if CnCNet 5 updates the ra95-spawn.exe to use the Jungle theater things are ready to go. System Requirements Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7. Launcher and configuration tool require the .Net 2.0 framework. I think you could run on Win95 to ME with out the Launcher and configuration tool by starting the game from the RA95.exe. You may be able to get it to work on Linux and Mac with tweaks. PortableRA's Linux and Mac tabs should be able to help http://iran.cnc-comm.com/ra/ GDI Hires Nod Hires C&C Classic GDI9 C&C Classic Nod 11B CnCNet 5 Lobby “Red Dawn 2014 Installer” Required For Play (49.06 MB) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apc3I0Sl1vNFctDgXQQsnUGIt1I?e=izf7sq https://www.dropbox.com/s/099qbz4em3qpyb3/Red%20Dawn%202014%20Installer.exe?dl=0 Note if the game won't start trying deleting the wsock32.dll from the the game folder! Full game with Terrain Editor (EDWIN) and C&C-RAED v1.26. “Red Dawn 2014 Music Installer” Optional. (61.63 MB) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apc3I0Sl1vNFc7ylpxYNEVTBGro?e=w1ihpK https://www.dropbox.com/s/konze9ii5p1u0sg/Red%20Dawn%202014%20Music%20Installer.exe?dl=0 35 music soundtracks from C&C95 and Covert Ops add-ons. “Red Dawn 2014 Videos Installer” Optional. (179.83 MB) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apc3I0Sl1vNFdPHsUJ9p1QGzFX4?e=ktmgTT https://www.dropbox.com/s/sh7ymqows0cxfki/Red%20Dawn%202014%20Videos%20Installer.exe?dl=0 Win and Lose movies for all missions plus some briefing. Old Red Dawn 2012 I'm keeping support for Red Dawn 2012 as there is small change of systems out there that won't work with the Iran patch setup. Also it is a good source for modders looking for C&C 95 building and units that are already converted for use in RA1. System Requirements Windows 95, 98 2000, Me, XP, Vista or 7. You may be able to get it to work on Linux with tweaks. I tested Red Dawn on Win 7 however if it is not working on Vista or 7 you can try ddraw.dll by Hifi http://hifi.iki.fi/cnc-ddraw/#download has download link and configuration. “Red Dawn 2012 Installer” Required For Play (75.76 MB) http://www.ppmsite.com/downloads/C&C%20Red%20Alert%201%20Mod%20Red%20Dawn%20Mod%202012%20Main.exe “Red Dawn 2012 Movie Installer” Optional. (165.84 MB) http://www.ppmsite.com/downloads/C&C%20Red%20Alert%201%20Mod%20Red%20Dawn%20Mod%202012%20AVs.exe "Red Dawn 2012 Covert Ops Music" Optional (29 MB) http://www.ppmsite.com/downloads/Red%20Dawn%202012%20Covert%20Ops%20Music.exe "Red Dawn 2012 Mission Bulider" Optional (21 MB) http://www.ppmsite.com/downloads/Red%20Dawn%202012%20Mission%20Bulider.exe
  7. There use to be a website that had some tidbit about this but it got the axe a few years ago. It was C&C afterglow that had thats info....
  8. True... I found the flag I want I think. "uninsneveruninstall" What I'm going to do is. Added [installDelete] Name: {app}\scu44ea.ini; Type: files than add to the [Files] Source: common\scscu44.mix; DestDir: {app}; Flags:uninsneveruninstall This should firsrt delete the scu44ea.ini that is in the game folder (if it is there) and add a mix that has scu44ea.ini packed inside. The new mix will never be uninstalled thanks to the flag. If my mod should be uninstalled the mix will be left for AF user and if the person dosen't have AF, they will never notice the mix file is there to start with.
  9. You can put the SCU44EA.ini that has the sub fix in any mix file that starts with SC. You can use the snow crater fix mix file (scrtrfix.mix). If the sub fix SCU44EA.ini is put in to scrtrfix.mix it will over ride the original mission that has the sub bug. Or You can put the sub fix SCU44EA.ini in a new mix file. I would just put the sub fix SCU44EA.ini in the scrtrfix.mix Attaching .Zip with scrtrfix.mix that has sub fix SCU44EA.ini already in the mix file. I also changed the title of Situation Critical to Situation Critical *Sub Fix*. I know I'm a pain in the ass..... EDIT: Is the just any way from stoping the uninstall program that Inno make from uninstilling just one file? scrtrfix.mix_with_SCU44EA.ini.zip
  10. I have the colours fix like this. Is this right? ; Vista and above: colours fix (32 bit) Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg32}; ValueType: string; ValueName: Name; ValueData: RA-1 to C&C95.exe; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: not IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg32}; ValueType: binary; ValueName: Flags; ValueData: 00 08 00 00; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: not IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg32}; ValueType: binary; ValueName: ID; ValueData: CB 58 CB 36; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: not IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey ; Vista and above: colours fix (64 bit) Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg64}; ValueType: string; ValueName: Name; ValueData: RA-1 to C&C95.exe; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg64}; ValueType: binary; ValueName: Flags; ValueData: 00 08 00 00; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: {cm:DXCompatReg64}; ValueType: binary; ValueName: ID; ValueData: CB 58 CB 36; MinVersion: 0,6.0.6000; Check: IsWin64; Flags: uninsdeletekey Damitsomuch..... You patch is droping the SCU44EA.ini (Has the Sub Fix) in the game out side of a mix file. Now that SCU44EA.ini is over riding my SCU44EA.ini that I have in side the Cc-MISaf.mix I tried to hex edit my .exe to switch the SCU44EA.ini to SCX44EA.ini but the game will not read it if I do this or edit it in any way. I know I can set my installer delete the SCU44EA.ini that is put there by you installer but that will mess up the normal RA-1. I could have my installer delete the SCU44EA.ini and I could put the SCU44EA.ini in a mix file that my .exe would not read but normal RA-1 would. The problem is that if my mod is uninstalled so is the mix file with the SCU44EA.ini that has the Sub Fix.
  11. I didn't know RAD could resize. If I didn't have yours I would have resized all the frame by hand! CS and AF are out with my bad translations. As for the 'delete when uninstall' flags. What one should I use. "uninsdeletekey" "When the program is uninstalled, delete the entire key, including all values and subkeys in it. It obviously wouldn't be a good idea to use this on a key that is used by Windows itself. You should only use this on keys private to your application." ""uninsdeletevalue"" "Delete the value when the program is uninstalled. This flag can be combined with uninsdeletekeyifempty."
  12. I found that out after I posted that. I can't make a QVA to save my life. I made one QVA 5 years ago and I have lost half the things I need to make a new one. Edit: I just shorted you english.qva so I don't have to change my title.pcx. As your has got the C&C text on top unlike mine from C&C Gold. Yes the translations are bad. I used google. I put a warning in the Geman and French that I had used google translate. I kept the CS and AM installing options from the patch since I gave links for the people that may not have CS or AM. If they go and get the CS and AF. There going to need 3.03 registries. I also kept the registry items for colours fix that went to the RA95.dat. My RA-1 to C&C95.exe it a modded RA95.dat and will need to have the colours fix applied to it for Vista and Win7.
  13. Yes I know about the using a 320x200 english.vqa. I have yet to find my Blink tools. (Had OS crash and now every thing is some were in the back ups.) So I couldn'r resize it. I may just use the english.vqa that C&C Gold has , It only shows the WestWood logo.
  14. I may try the email left and see if it works. I'll have to google tranlate both the web sites you gave me and email them too. Maybe there there right person.
  15. Ah, found who made it... Red Alert Archive had it in the misc. Vesa Piittinen. The web page given is no good and the email is to the same place. but I know who to give the credit to for the original tile conversions! http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/misc.html
  16. All the hard work on Snow to Desert 1.0 is done!!! Shore cliffs and Shore beaches is done! No more Hex editing! All shps now! Do the large number of trees in RA, no tree replacement. I replaced the snow trees with trees from the temperate thearther. I may work on this next. I've attached the Snow to Desert 1.0. As I stated before. Some one did most of the work. I do NOT know who but I finished what they once started by adding the right rivers, bridges, shore cliffs and shore beaches. Snow_to_Desert.zip
  17. First I have to make the desert tile in photoshop and save it as PCX image. Next I use RA-MIXer 5.1s PCX 2 RMT. PCX 2 RMT copies a PCX to a TMP (RA) fromat but it make all the tiles clear. (I can build on them and tanks can drive over them) So I have to copy some lines from the stock tiles in a hex editor over to the ones I make to fix this. The number offsets lines the are the same. Evey bite is different and I have to copy some of these bites to fix the clear in the tile.
  18. Would be nice but.... I got Sh01-Sh32 done and still have to hexedit Sh-33-Sh54. Water cliffs not started yet. Got 32 of them I think to do.
  19. From what little I know about C&C95 maps. RA-1s are just about the same. In RA-1 maps have a lot more options for what a triggers can do.
  20. I've seen this but only forget to have my aftermath CD in the CD drive and the game give me a pop up to put that CD in.
  21. Wish RA was like that or there was program that could put the needed code in for me.... Doing it by hand is a pain in the *. If you know of a program that could speed things up. It would help
  22. Some one did the most of the base work. Like cliffs,roads some rocks.etc I had or have to do rivers, bridges, shore cliffs and beaches. All I have it a RA-MIXer with PCX2RMT will make PCXes in a TMP (ra) fromat but it make every tile clear (I can build on them and tanks can drive over them) So I have to copy some lines from the stock tiles in a hex editor over to the ones I make to fix this. All I have to do is photoshop, covert and hex edit 94 more tiles. I may go back and blend the bridge more but I left them that color so I didn't have to redo the other parts of bridges.
  23. I'll Jump on this. It may be old but... I have a SC-Desert.mix that has some of the C&C95 converted over. It replaces the snow but I have no idea who made it. Years ago I started to add more to it. I have added rivers and bridges. If some one can ID the make of it would be nice. As I'm think of finishing the shore cliffs and beaches for it. Nyerguds said it can't converted that easily and a lot of editing that I know but I would like to do so. Attaching a WIP /Notify me of replies enabled.
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