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Everything posted by Trailhog250
Tiberian Dawn - 4077 (single player)
Trailhog250 replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
My favorite has always been the desert theater Btw... Is the name of this map '4077' a pun on the 'M*A*S*H 4077' tv show :laugh: Haha, great show Might try this map just because of that :P -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Yes great feedback :laugh: Well the mission is VERY hard I suppose... But It's finished as far as I can tell. All bugfixes are in, a little extra content here and there. The mission forces you to make a decision on what to concentrate on. Resources are put around the map to force you to take and control them. Airstrikes make it harder yes, but you can beat it. There are... Ways... This is my 2nd map too. I probably won't make a 3rd one for a while. Probably not for another few weeks. It takes time to make a working map, I feel the terrain is essentially the most important part. You want to allow as many ways as possible to beat the mission. I hope to make my next map as diverse as possible. Maybe featuring 2 or 3 mini outposts all somewhat depending on each other. Or maybe 2 supplying the main one. Either for the player or AI. Just some brainstorming I did. Well.. If it's to hard it's not a crime to change it and remove the Airstrike they get. Not everyone likes really hard missions, it comes down to personal taste. Not necessarily skill You can always remove a few defense here and there to if that's to hard as well. But the 'BASE' section of the ini file may give problems. Be sure and remove it from the 'BASE' section first then remove the structure. And Nyerguds is right, go up there and defend your 'puppet'. While your harvesters are up there take a small force and position them SW of the Minigunner who should be as far NE as he can go -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
So it should be a '1' instead of a '0' at the end of the trigger? -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Oh I see now, but does it matter? Won't it still work the same way or will it start churning out teams at the same time at an alarming rate ? (ie 5 Autocreates are active does that mean 5 Autocreate teams will be made?) -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
I based my autocreate off the ones from the campaign missions. *in a way* I make the teamtypes and list 'Autocreate' on them and connect them with the global 'Autocreate' trigger and every some many time units (135 for example) it builds a random teamype that I specified. (ie auto1, auto2, auto3, auto4, etc.) I use it because it adds a little more 'random flavor' to the mission. It also helps diversify maps. After re-reading your post and my post I think we both misunderstood each other actually -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Um, Autocreate is one global status that simply gets activated once. Repeating it has no effect whatsoever. Are you sure? I tested it via removing all of my 'Create Team' triggers to see if the 'Autocreate' was functioning and every 135 time units they would send one of the appropriate teamtypes I can give pictures if you want -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Thanks glad you liked it once I 'repaired' it I hope to make a new map in a week or two IF time allows it. School is about to start back as well but we'll see what happens -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
The most likely reason I made the blunder on the teamtypes was probably this: 1. When I'm talking to someone and doing something else I get very 'absent-minded' and will forget things or not do them at all. 2. I should start doing my coding by hand in the .txt file instead of using CCmap as I would have seen it when I was being forced to actually type it. (yes I know Nyerguds will be at my front porch later with a pitchfork and torch with a mob behind him demanding my head :laugh:) The map 'appears' to be bug free now. I know my 'civd' trigger is not supposed to work, that is intentional. Please continue to post more feedback as it REALLY helps when I don't have all the time I want/need for playtesting/bug solving. It's not from being lazy, I don't always have time. I tested this map for a few days off and on so I'm shocked such a huge bug got past me I would really like some actual feedback on the map itself. (ie gameplay, teamtype coordination, difficulty, etc) So far the only thing I know is that it was full of bugs :roll: (but it's a good thing people reported those, thanks again to those that helped) -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Thanks for the feedback. 1. No I was unaware of this O_o 2. That trigger is 'dead' meaning I abandoned it for my own reasons so just forget about it 3. That is intentional. I will look at 1. and see what's wrong. -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Bear in mind that I didn't test this map as much as my other one. Mainly due to time constraints, but if there are im-balances, bugs, exploits, etc. If the people finding these will post here I will address and fix them, -
Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
I had a feeling I had done something wrong :ranting: I will address this NOW before anyone else downloads it. Thank you for this very important feedback, it can't be fun if it's not hard -
Hello this is my 2nd C&C TD map After my first map ('Threatened') I learned some things about map making. I am still no pro but getting better Though I always test my maps as much as possible I'm liable to forget things. Name: 'The Shifting Sands' Map Size: 'Height=46 Width=62' Side: 'Nod' Tech Level: '12' Installation: Simply extract the folder and copy+paste the contents to your C&C folder. If you are unsure of where your directory is, right-click you C&C95 shortcut and click 'Open File Folder'. That should take you to the directory. Alternatively this could be: 'Program Files>EA Games>C&C TFD>C&C95>' or something similar. Important: This is the fifth version of this map, if you downloaded it before 8/2/2011 11:26 P.M. (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) and want the newer version then download it here. It is 'SCB93EA' instead of 'SCB92EA' so you know the difference. Known Bugs: Please report any bugs you find here so I can correct them and make the map more playable. Changelog: Version 1 'SCB89EA': First public version of the map. Version 2 'SCB90EA': Thanks to the testing of tasss the exploits of the AI have now been corrected. Rushing the base is now no longer easy. AI now has extra starting units, defenses, and their 'Production' trigger starts faster. Version 3 'SCB91EA': Hardly any of my teamtypes were working because they weren't linked to the appropriate trigger. Solo found these and I corrected them, so I highly recommend you redownload this map. A few details added (you won't notice) The AI base was changed slightly. Their conyard is now in a more defendable spot. Typo in the description was fixed. More starting credits for the player and AI. Version 4 'SCB92EA': Thanks to MY testing (for once :roll:) the AI now functions properly. The biggest flaw was the 'patrols' I made to guard their base it kept re-training them after 10 seconds instead of waiting until they was destroyed The map should now (at last!) play properly. Version 5 'SCB93EA': The Chinook 'raid' for the AI was bugged so it was removed and replaced with an APC and it works. (I have tested it) The AI's 'Production' trigger now activates via going south to your base and/or crossing the river this way you cannot go south FIRST and build up a sizable Infantry army and attempt to rush the AI before their production starts. Leave a comment/question/complaint if you like. Feedback is important Enjoy! SCB93EA.zip
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Thanks again for your feedback I will change some things and re-upload tomorrow if I have time. I don't think the HQ (Comm. Center right?) change is necessary... It says in the description to destroy it. But then again I may change it so that it gets destroyed either way. But it's simply not logical to capture it, defenses right there would get in the way more than anything so it would make a poor barrier for the player. I have found it from testing to successfully defend you need active units/Repair Pads + Guard Towers. I will implement your 'fixes'. I will give them some more AA in their base as well. I had hoped I used some creativity in the teams so thanks for noticing By 'Slaugter Mode' I guess you mean reduce the 'Time' for 'Teamtypes' by say 50% for more hardcore players? Ok, I might decide that would make a good addition as a separate download. I don't understand why you got crashes and I didn't though :O But I will fix those anyway. I did beta-test it so I'm surprised I didn't get those bugs... Tomorrow I will fix it and re-re-upload it -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Use it? I have it bookmarked -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Maybe it was, well anyway let me go fix my map and re-upload it. I have another one I'm working on right now that I will release soon once I work out the AI bugs. -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
This is my first map and if was perfect then even I would be surprised Strangely enough that team doesn't even have any units in it?! And I didn't manually do that... I done it using CCMap and I want to say it's the program's fault but I don't want Nyerguds to behead me for it so I won't blame it on the program. :laugh: I will sort out the bugs and re-load it. I add credits/Blossom Trees my own special way. (well most mappers probably do it their own way) Thanks for the feedback it WILL help improve the next map. I will re-upload it as soon as I get time. The map was to darn small anyway to be done properly which was my stupid mistake at the beginning :ranting: I will have to go over this some when I get the chance but I'm not going to completely 'revamp' the map which isn't what you said anyway. -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
:laugh: the moment of truth. Seeing as I forgot about 'ctrl-s' I used FRAPS and every time I took a screenshot it would center the screen on my Con. Yard. So I took a video and went to Windows Media Player and took a screenshot there Yes I know that was a stupid and ridiculous way to do it but who's going to download a map with no pictures or eye candy -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Because I forgot about it But I'll use that from now on. Much simpler. -
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Yes I thought about it and I changed it. (even though some had already seen it ) My future maps will have that blocked in the 'preview'. But do post back and tell me what you thought of the map. -
This is my first Single Player map (though certainly not my last). It's a relative simple map seeing as I didn't want to do anything fancy, more or less I wanted to know if I could even script an AI that was intelligent without being too hard. (My first internal version of the map was a slaughter :laugh:) So here are a few pictures... The objectives and some useful info are in the 'Mission Briefing' within the map. NOTE: This map has undergone changes multiple times (internally not publicly). I do not think there are any bugs, but if you find one post it here. This map should have been larger but it wasn't, it is after all my first map. This one felt a little small while playing but there is no shortage of anything. (detail,trees,tiberium,rocks,etc) It is worth playing, comments are appreciated. So are compliments and complaints Map Name: 'Threatened' Map Size: 'Height=32 Width=41' Side: 'GDI' Tech Level: '11' Installation: Simply extract the folder and copy+paste the contents to your C&C folder. If you are unsure of where your directory is, right-click you C&C95 shortcut and click 'Open File Folder'. That should take you to the directory. Alternatively this could be: 'Program Files>EA Games>C&C TFD>C&C95>' or something similar. Hope you enjoy it, I enjoyed making it Important: This is the third version of this map, if you downloaded it before 7/31/2011 8:26 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) and you want the next version then download this one. It is 'SCG81EA' instead of 'SCG80EA' this way you know which is the new one. Changelog: Version 1 'SCG79EA': Map added in first public form. Version 2 'SCG80EA': A few trees added to improve look. New tiberium field added. AI team 'Auto7' 'fixed'. Credits to 'Solo' for finding it Version 3 'SCG81EA': A few patches of tiberium here and there for better look. Another bug addressed thanks to Solo. The Nod base now has 2 SAM sites to help protect it from A10 strikes and Orca raids. These do NOT need to be destroyed to allow for Air Support. Something I always disliked about Westwood's missions, by the time you got that far in their base Air Support was useless. It is simply there for the AI's protection and they WILL rebuild them. If you encounter any more bugs do not hesitate to inform me here and I will fix them. Look for my next map (Nod mission) coming soon SCG81EA.zip
TD mapping, trouble with AI not rebuilding
Trailhog250 replied to Trailhog250's topic in Mapping Discussion
Thanks for the answer, @nyerguds, it is very simple now that I look at it. Simply right-click on a structure scroll down to where it says 'Base' and then move your mouse over it and when another box appears choose the option 'Add and Keep'. And voila! They rebuild it, I may write a guide here elaborating on the AI. (if time permits it) That seems to be the biggest thing that throws people off... I personally found triggers a piece of cake. Nothing really hard about it once I read a guide, (it's a "if 'true' then 'false'" kind of method) Alright, this topic is done. Problem solved, -
Hello C&C Comm Center! This is my first post Now, I need some help here with this... I am having trouble scripting the AI to rebuild their structures. I know it's my fault so I'll point that out before anyone else does I read nyerguds guide and it actually inspired me to start mapping for TD. (I map/script some for C&C3/BFME2) I have achieved win/loss triggers, properly making the mission playable, getting the briefing in, the videos, the factions, terrain, tiberium, scripting AI teams that will attack. BUT, I'm stumped on this one thing... which is holding back my maps. I cannot figure out how to make the AI rebuild their destroyed structures. (I know how to use the Production trigger so please DO NOT bring that up XD) I have read what nyerguds had to say about the 'Base' file but it didn't help me no matter how many times I tried to understand it or implement it manually. I cannot find the program 'BaseIT'. I have googled countless searches. I understand how to make them rebuild in a certain order, the name of the structure (ie HAND=Hand of Nod). I need some help, if noone can point me to the editor then please explain HOW the number comes up. (you wouldn't believe the methods I've used to try and get the number right lol) All I need is this last piece of the puzzle and I can start my map making. I'm using CCMap 3.1 btw. And yes I have extracted the vanilla maps from general.mix with XCC.Utilities but looking at that didn't help me understand my problem. Do note that I have no problem making AI teams that attack and rebuild their self. Just the structures. Thanks in advance,