1. Actually the harvester goes to certain place and starts to harvest :roll: probably you don't know it because you only skimmed through the ini file and the mission.
2. All the teams in this mission start to attack player in the way I wanted to so there's no need to change it. But thanks for the tip anyway.
3. Civilians are allied with Nod because I simply didn't want the village to be destroyed by Nod, I just wanted these buildings to stay there. But in the other hand I wanted player to have an opportunity to destroy them, for some reason, so I made them Neutrals.
4. Maybe the briefing is not too good but I won't change it. The main objective is just to destroy the silos. It's up to the player how will he achieve it.
5. I leave loopy triggers for possible future attempt. I plan to create one more mission, with lots of such a things and base building. It would be this time for Nod, personally my favourite side.
Thanks for the feedback