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  1. Can you name the objects if possible please. It would help to know them. So Others can test out if they get the errors.
  2. Yeah I ended up going into single player to change the speed. thanks for the info.
  3. Ah ok thanks for the help. I also tired another map waited a bit more to move and no AI came. As soon has I hit Esc to open options it sped up the game. Thus making it seem that I instant lose.
  4. I lose when open the game options menu. Sorry should of said options. I'll add a video link in the post above to show what I'm getting.
  5. I created a random game with AI to get use to the game again and to test out the best settings for play before playing with ppl so i don't waste time. But every time I open the game menu I automatically lose the game as if I had aborted it. Any reason for this? I can record it to show if needed. Here's a video to show my problem: CnC95_001.mp4
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