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Everything posted by Weps

  1. Running like a top now, the help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Still haven't found the INI files, but did find out how how to load the .mix files into the editor which is good enough for me right now. As far as the game speed, I had it maxed out before, only after I downloaded and installed v1.06C did it start to become sluggish and lag during gameplay.
  3. I've managed to fix it. With the v1.06C update, is there is reason the game speed is so slow and is there a way to fix it? Also, where do I put the BIN files for the maps created in XCC Editor? My game version is CnC Gold DL from Gamershell and I can't find the mission INI files in the C&C95 folder or on the disc. I'm sorry for the flood of questions, but I haven't edited or modded any games since Halo:CE way back in 04'/05'.
  4. I didn't think this warranted a new topic, but I'm having some issues with XCC. I've installed XCC, follow the instructions in the OP, however I still get "Infantry Load Fail", "Structures Load Fail" and "Units Load Fail" when I start XCC Editor. I'm on Win XP Home Edition SP3 Thank you ahead of time for any help.
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