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  1. Yup. I even build the entire tech-tree just for the heck of it, playing as NOD and GDI Conyard captured... No Chem-warrior.
  2. Is the buildlevel set to 98 or 99 with the topoftheline code?
  3. Well. I tried, didn't work. I can build Rocket Launchers, SSM's, Commando's, Chinooks, barbed wire, MCV's and if I capture the GDI Conyard also Adv. Comm. Centre, wooden fence. But no Chemical Warrior
  4. I knew about the SSM Launcher needing an Obelisk of Light. Strange, I will keep my eye on it right now and see if the Chemical Warrior will be enabled when a Temple is build, can't remember it.
  5. Yeah, haha. One more question: I can't seem to build Chem Warriors. What do I need to build them? Bio-lab?
  6. Ah, found it! http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/15696-is-there-a-way-to-enable-all-units-in-campaign-and-co-missions/?p=196256
  7. Oh, misplaced it. If I'm not mistaken, I somewhere saw you making a comment about enabling the highest buildlevel for any mission, and it was ingame, by typing a word in the level or at the menu. So, basically when I play NOD, I can build SSM's, Chem's, Commando's, Hospitals, Bio-labs etc... Or am I just being stupid now, and do I need to place RemoveBuildExceptions=Yes in every single mission?
  8. I thought I've read it somewhere, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Anyway; I believe there was an option to enable the highest buildlevel, so I'm able to build SSM's, Commando's and Chem. Warriors. Without editing the buildlevel for every single mission in the .mix or .ini file. How do I do that again? I knew before, but I've been busy with some things so unfortunately I forgot Nyerguds knows!
  9. Doesn't matter to me. I like TD, RA and TS
  10. It happened again. But this time I haven't captured any enemy structures... And it was the first airstrip I have builded.
  11. That's not called freezing. Freezing is when you can't play anymore, the game will not respond to anything and the screen is stuck. Your colours get messed up somehow, but I don't know what the solution for it is.
  12. Hmm. It happened again just 2 hours ago. I was playing the mission Hammer Time (NOD) if I'm not mistaken... After I captured an enemy CY it happened... airfield would not deliver my units. I captured a weapons factory after this happened, but that did not have the problem. Really weird
  13. That would make the most sense... Well, I can't do anything about it though. I just have to live with it I guess.
  14. Little bump... I'm a bit curious. I've downloaded this mod, and I like it. But the known bug: 2: - Icons of buildings, units and infantry are always yellow (C&C95 engine limitation) is bothering me a little. Why can't the 95 engine handle it, whilst the DOS engine can? I remember playing it in DOS, and NOD units on the sidebar were actually red or white (I don't know which one, but definately one of the two colours).
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