this mod is friggin sweet. are you still working on this mod? i have an older version and im wondering if there is a newer later version of it? mad props for all the work on it. especially the graphics on the guy that hops out of his truck. do you guys still play this online? i checked moddb for it and i didnt see an actual page for the mod but i did see it was being voted on for best C&C mod! anyways if there isnt a page for it we should throw one up. something as good as this should be available for fans to enjoy. kind of went limp when mods for command and conquer came up empty also, since the resources are different, would i need a special editor tool to make maps? don't feel discouraged. people do play this, even if they don't post in forums or vote in polls. you should be proud. not everyone can say they've made something so awesome that people around the world can enjoy. thank you for making this