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  1. Hello all, I have been thinking a lot about what I wrote regarding change of unit looks and introducing new units into Tiberian Dawn. Introducing them into a direct remake of TD would probably upset how the campaigns are planned out, so instead I would suggest that some kind of 'side quel' is made or a kind of expansion pack, a companion to Tiberian Dawn that takes place during the war but in parts of the world not depicted in the original game; United States, Russia, South America, Asia, Australia etc. Or perhaps a mission model that does not involve conquering pieces of the map, allowing focus on more story oriented missions (missing 'parts' of the first Tiberian War history) Such a project would really be great as I have been thinking what kind of missions could be done with the new units. A couple more units I would like to introduce on Nod's side that are based on C&C Renegade; the truck, portable machine gun turret, portable missile turret, truck mounted SAM launcher. The truck would be a cheap multi purpose transport unit that on its own is not armed. The mentioned turret types and SAM launcher can be combined with the truck, these do not count as buildings but vehicles themselves so they must be ordered through an airport. They can not be used while the truck is moving in the field (the truck must be stationary for them to be deployed) Destroying the truck does not mean destroying these units at the same time, though they would suffer splash damage.
  2. Hello MrFlibble (a Red Dwarf fan, right on!) Nod can build APCs in multiplayer, and have them in certain single-player missions as well. I know it might not be a good start to the franchise but most of my knowledge comes from C&C Renegade and of course the Command and Conquer Wiki. I did read Nod had an APC during certain Single Player missions but I did not know that they could be bought during multiplayer sessions. Visceroids could actually fill in the role of "aliens". I wonder why the Visceroid spawn logic, as well as the units themselves, are never encountered in the original single-player campaigns. They aren't? That is a shame. Anyway they should also be put in Single Player missions in a remake, but the Alien drones would be something else. But basically, your ideas could be made a reality with some kind of a mod for a later game. There are several (at least two IIRC) Tiberian Dawn remakes that use the Tiberian Sun engine. TS is quite easily moddable, and there are lots of community resources you can use, so you could try doing something on your own. I would definitely like to undertake such a project like these but I sadly lack the skills. * sigh * just another wannebee game designer with big ambitions.
  3. ^^^^ I recently downloaded it and the patch you(your team?) made so that I can give it a try when I am in the mood.
  4. Hello Karpet, Well I meant more that I would love to see these mentioned units and suggested scenario (GDI/NOD checking out an alien crash site near a large Tiberium field) in case there was ever a remake. Would be neat if it could have been added to the original game but I don't know any people with such skills. Edit; I have thought a little more on what units I would like to add to a Command and Conquer 1 update/remake GDI's side The X-O powersuit, a precursor to the power suit units in Tiberian Sun. More powerful than regular infantry but not as strong yet as a tank, it is a good all round unit equipped with machine guns, a laser, and missiles and can be equipped with a jet pack. The micro tank. The original design was actually piloted but I have this in mind as a drone controlled from the Communication Center. Less powerful than a regular tank, it's advantage is that it is immune to Nod's microwave gun tank. The mini tank becomes inactive when it enters an area where transmissions are blocked by enemy communication centers. ORCA support truck. These are support units that serve as mobile resupply centers for the ORCA assault craft, reloading their missiles and repairing them on the spot. It is equipped with a machine gun for anti infantry purposes. (note; I understand that the ORCA's machine gun does not work in the original C&C, this would also be fixed) VTOL heavy transport. These aircraft can transport several X-O powersuits, humvees, or a medium tank but are unarmed. Nod's side Armored Personnel Carrier. See Renegade Microwave gun tank. This would be a rather insidious weapon that is designed to kill the crew of enemy vehicles such as tanks, but leaving the vehicles themselves undamaged so that they can be claimed by Nod. If vehicles are in close proximity the beam jumps from one vehicle to another. The effectiveness of the beam depends on how much armor a target carries. Infantry for example is less affected by the Microwave gun. Units such as micro tanks are not affected at all as they do not carry any driver. EMP drone. This is Nod's own remote drone designed to shut down enemy vehicles (and facilities?) when detonated. It is a suicide unit that can only be used once. vehicles (and buildings) that are affected need to be repaired by an engineer before they work again. (note; it shuts targets down but does not damage or destroy them) EMP drones can be rendered inactive by the jamming field of an enemy Communication Center. Minelayer. This vehicle is part of Nod's strategy of not always engaging an enemy directly, instead allowing enemies to run into planned traps. The mines of the minelayer are both harmful to infantry and vehicles. The mines can also be upgraded to magnetic mines that are drawn to any vehicle in their proximity. The minelayer itself is not heavily armored and is equipped with a machine gun for anti infantry purpose. It is not a very good direct fighting vehicle. Heavy cargo helicopter. Nod's answer to the GDI VTOL heavy transport. It can carry a number of light units or a singe large unit. Alien/Unknown side Alien drone. This unit would appear in single player maps and skirmish maps as a hostile third party that attacks both GDI and Nod units. It is spawned from crashed alien spaceships that will keep producing these units until the ship is destroyed. (perhaps only a few drones can be active at a time, a new one being spawned when an old one is destroyed) This unit is both effective against land and air units. If I would threw in navy/water units in the game I would do the gunboat and perhaps the command ship that appeared in Renegade, and an armed speed boat and submarine on Nod's side.
  5. Hello all, I am The Dutch Ghost, a gamer from the Netherlands. I have been gaming since the 90s but skipped Command and Conquer at the time of release as I was more into FPS games and adventures and preferred space sci fi settings to "twenty minutes in the future". These last couple of years I have grown somewhat disappointed with some of the releases on the PC because of their cross platform nature and the lack of any sci fi elements, so I have been checking out games I have previously ignored. Years ago I did buy Tiberian Sun but I could not get into it at the time and sold it on again. I later bought C&C Renegade when it was in a bargain bin. (that game is probably rated lower here as it is not a RTS but it was what got me interested in C&C again when I replayed it again recently) I also have a copy of Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath but I have not dared install them as I don't know what DRM they carry. (plus I kind of miss the atmosphere of Tiberian Dawn/Renegade) Anyway hope I didn't ramble on to long.
  6. Hello all, Perhaps it might sound a little arrogant on my part, being the new guy on the forum and this being my very first post (need to introduce myself later) and only having started to play C&C recently, but there is definitely some stuff I would love to see being added to the original game or included in a remake of Tiberian Dawn Several units were planned but eventually dropped for the first game such as the X-O powersuit (which I really hoped would make it to the first game) and the microwave gun tank, I would like to see those units being brought back into the game. I would also like to see the alien probes and perhaps some landed/crashed alien ships to appear in a mission at either side, hinting towards a possible third party. (the Scrin). These units would be hostile to GDI and Nod. I admit I wanted to see this after playing C&C Renegade recently and coming across the flying saucer in Cairo. Speaking of C&C Renegade, and I will probably get a load of flak for this, I would not mind if the in game infantry units would resemble those of that game. (guess they would have to be a little bigger than the original sprites), with the Black Hand units appearing in the Nod campaign while GDI has Task Force Talon (as suggested in Tiberian Dawn Redux) to enhance missions. Hope those suggestions are not to controversial on this forum. I am not trying to 'break' the game, I just think these would be neat additions.
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