Hecthor Doomhammer
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Everything posted by Hecthor Doomhammer
With the Chinese campaign done, it's time to move to the next faction on the list. GLA in Command & Conquer: Generals. While I've already messed around with it a little bit in the Chinese campaign through cheesing, this time it's the GLA doing the cheesing. So please, join me tomorrow, June 4th 2015 at 18:00 on my channel on Twitch as I play blindly through this campaign. Please refrain from spoiling anything because this is, after all, a blind playthrough. I present the countdown to when the stream starts And I hope to see you all then!
Well, Generals, it's time for me to learn the basics and why you guys love this game and the mods so much. After having streamed Rise of the Reds for over a year, I owe this to not only myself, but also to all of you out there. So for that I ask you to join me as I will be playing through the original campaigns of Command & Conquer: Generals for the very first time, on my channel on Twitch I will be starting off with the Training Missions and see how much of the campaigns I can complete in 2 hours for today. And I will be starting tonight at 18:00 GMT I present to you all the countdown And I hope to see all of you then!
The wait is over. No longer will you have to idly sit by and watch as the beta testers en development staff show you all the new features. Your burning desire to play Rise of the Reds version 1.85 has finally been extinguished. But with that, a new desire should be burning in your soul: The desire to take the spotlight on stream and show off your skills to the public! and if not, my friend the Shenlong will MAKE that desire burn. or perhaps even more. Tonight at 18:00 GMT The Hunter will join me as we present the first official release stream of Rise of the Reds on my channel on Twitch Tell your friends. Tell your family. tell your neighbors and the town fool to follow my channel as from this moment on Rise of the Reds public streams will be the majority of my channel's content. I present the countdown And hope to see all of them, and all of you then! Download link to Rise of the Reds version 1.85
So Yesterday I learned that wanting too much cheese will only lead to disappointment. The even sadder thing is: I could've cheesed even harder because there was, in the last mission at some point, an Allied base as well. (To be honest, I kind of want to redo the entire Empire's campaign now) But now with the 3 main factions' campaigns done, there's 1 more to do: That one of Yurkio Omega herself. Just too bad only she gets the special treatment of having a campaign dedicated to her. Tonight at 19:00 GMT I will dive in and no doubtingly blindly fail at some point in this campaign on my channel on Twitch And I hope to see you all then! (btw: I'm not doing the challenges, since I see there are 50 of them, I doubt I have the time to do all of them, including the many expected fails)
I tell you, this thing gave me quite a scare today in the last Allied mission. But hopefully, this time around I will get to play with the Empire's new Giga Frotress. Especially since I will be starting the Empire's campaign in Red Alert 3: Uprising tomorrow at 19:00 GMT on my channel on twitch I will be playing through the entire campaign during this stream and it will be done completely BLIND, as I have never seen any video footage of this, nor have I ever played it before. so expect some fail. But then again, it adds to the entertainment I think. Hope to see you all then!
Tonight is the night that I get to play with some of the new Allies' toys in Red Alert 3: Uprising. But thanks to Twitch, I have some unfinished business I need to take care of for the Soviet Campaign. Luckily I am a smart man and made a panic save (when I heard the chime that OBS lost conneciton, I instantly saaved the game) so I'll start where I ended off last night: just before my fleet of Kirovs were about to blow the Sigma Harmonizer to smitherines. Join me at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch for the conclusion of the Soviet Campaign and the entire Allied Campaign in Red Alert 3: Uprising Hope to see you all then!
I hear so much about this expansion, especially after I beat (with a lot of help) the Red Alert 3 campaign. So it's time to delve into this expansion called Red Alert 3: Uprising. Tonight at 19:00 GMT I will begin the first mission of the first campaign, whichever it may be and I'll see how long it takes me to get through this entire thing. I will give myself until Saturday to finish the campaign, which means Wednesday and Friday won't be anything else. Join me at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch and I hope to see you all then!
If you're a Chinese General you'd want to thrrow your Han's in the air and make em fly like you just don't care! Ok ok, lame pun was made a million times, but I had to come up with something. Any way: tomorrow at 14:00 GMt The Hunter will join me again for another livestream of Rise of the Reds while we inch closer to the release and working out the final few kinks before the mass testing stage of the public release. This is not the last stream before release, that much I can assure you, but do join us on my channel on Twitch if you want to know what the latest scoop is on the development. With the countdown presented here I do hope to see all of you then!
Tonight it is time to finish our work in Red Alert 3. ShadowE will join me for 1 last time on stream so we may tackle the Empire Of The Rising Sun's 8th and 9th mission. After this we will part ways and I will start the expansion: Uprising tomorrow. But for now at 19:00 GMT we will go live on my channel on Twitch and our Kadgar As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch I present the countdown and we hope to see you all then!
I've been so busy with stuff that I totes forgot: Tonight at 19:00 GMT ShadowE and I will continue our co-op playthrough of Red Alert 3. our goal tonight is to finish Empire of the Rising Sun mission 5, 6 and 7. We'll be streaming thison my channel on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/pauljongejans and our Kadgar http://www.kadgar.net/live/pauljongejans/shadowe29 As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShadowExcadrill Follow ShadowE on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowe29 I present the countdown http://goo.gl/ZF7wRR And we hope to see you all then!
So the Empire of the Rising Sun has recruited me and ShadowE to realize their divine destiny of World domination? Ok, let's see what kind of crazy technoligy we'll get to play around with. Tonight at 20:00 GMT ShadowE and I will start our playthrough of the Empire's Campaign in Red Alert 3 on my channel on Twitch and our Kadgar As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch I present to you the countdown And I hope to see you all then!
Look out below as the American Acolyte Tank will drop from the sky with 2 of its brothers bringing FREEDOM to a base near you/ Joining me tomorrow at 15:00 GMT is Luis, aka Comr4de as co-commentator we we will be spectating and commentating a few more matches in Rise of the Reds while I stream it. I will be playing 1 match myself against newcomer Oliver, who has been receiving some training in PvP, while I decide to not have played since my Birthday Special 1 month ago. And to make matters more fun, I will NOT be playing as Russia, but I won't reveal yet as what I will play. As allways the stream will be held on my channel on Twitch And with the countdown as presented We hope te see all of you then!
It's time to finish off the Allied Co-op Campaign of Red Alert 3, but this is going to be fun, because even for ShadowE, my co-comander, it's a completely blind playthrough. Who knows what's going to get thrown at us this time? We will be starting at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch and our Kadgar As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch I present the countdown And hope to see you all then!
With 4 missions of the Allied Campaign done, I see myself screwing up even more than with the Soviets. That, or the enemies really hate me for some reason. Because they are handing my ass to me. With that being said, I hope that ShadowE and I are able to complete the next 3 missions tonight so that Thursday the last 2 are all that remain. We will be starting at 19:00 GMT on my channel on Twitch and on our Kadgar As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch We hope to see you all at the end of the countdown
With the Soviet Campaign of Red Alert 3 done, it's time to see what the Allies will bring in their campaign. Once again ShadowE will join me on this endevour and probably be way better than me. But then again, for me it's a blind playthrough so I have no clue what to exxpect. Except fail on my end of course. Because of reasons, we're going to be starting 1 hour later than usual, at 20:00 GMT on my channel on twitch and, if your connection is up to the task, you can check it out from both perspectives of ShadowE and myself at our Kadgar As per usual, we will both be streaming and recording this, and later upload the missions as seperate videos on to our respective Youtube channels. Subscribe to ShadowE on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch As stated earlier in this post, the stream will start 1 hour later, so here's the countdown Hope to see you all then!
I know of a way to do it: Deepbot, but that costs money on a monthly basis, but perhaps there's other ways to do it automatically
Twitch recently intergrated a new feature called HOSTING. in your chat type and on your channel, ppl will be able to see what that given person is playing, while not being forced to go to that person's chat. Your viewers will still be able to go to his chat, by clicking on the link of his channel, but it's not an absolute must. Here's how it looks: This is, I guess the best for all of us. If the other streamer is done, or you won't be able to stay online yourself, type in your chat: Then everything will revert back to your channel's lay out However, hosting, for some strange reason, takes priority over your own channel's stream, so don't forget to unhost when you're about to go live yourself
why not just feature streamers' own channels? With asking what you're asking, you're forcing streamers to move away from their own channels on their own times and they'll have to advertise, if they even do that, your channel, while it'd be more beneficial if you were to feature them, because the deal is your product: CNCnet, with the games and mods that are being streamed already using CNCnet, we're already kind of promoting your product.
The ECA has a new toy: the Victor Bomber and he delivers the wham bam Grand Slam thank you ma'am! Designed and skinned by the newest member of the team: Oliver. Some sad news, the patch we're gonna be playing does not have this baby yet. However, do join The Hunter and me tomorrow at 14:00 GMT for another Rise of the Reds stream on my channel on twitch I present the countdown to when the stream starts And I hope to see you all then!
With the Emperor and Krukov dead and the Allies forcefully removed from Europe, 2 missions remain for total Soviet Domination! But I have a feeling the Premier is up to something. What do you think, ShadowE? We intend to finish the Soviet Co-Op Campaign tomorrow, March 5th 2015 at 19;00 GMT at my channel on twitch and our kadgar Subscribe to ShadowE channel on Youtube Follow ShadowE on Twitch We hope to see all of you at the end of this countdown!