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About JMaN2005

  • Birthday 05/03/1994

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  1. right above the list of people logged into the server, there is a list of icons from the game, uncheck the ones you don't want to see...
  2. It is a natural reaction to be envious.
  3. All know me, all fear me. Specially that TRZ newb............. :devil:
  4. I think before ill even attempt to understand your terrible english or read your whole post you should stop cheating and be banned.
  5. Ive learned to just ignore most of what Wuss says. He's one of the most unpleasant people that are in this community, in my opinion. I think that it's awesome to have a split ladder with the firestorm/ww/mods. I think if theres a way to add a quickmatch feature that people can choose quickmatch if they want would help finish curbing the complaining from the few that want it. Other than that it's great. The server itself has been acting weird lately, the p2p games have loads and loads of people unable to connect to each other which is pretty annoying, and games in general seem to be slower. Even on the forum it took forever to make the 2 posts ive done today. I'm not sure if updates are coming thru, or updates are needed, but the p2p games have been very very glitchy lately.
  6. I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.
  7. I've learned to disregard any and everything that Wuss says. He is one of the single most annoying individuals I've ever interacted with. I think that the new ladder with mods/ww/firestorm being separated is awesome. That being said, I've been for a win limit against a player each day as it was in the past, against a point limit. The point limit will prohibit me from beating the #1 player if they ever stop dodging (talkin to u sexpro & kaizen). The old days it was 3-5 wins vs a player, the points stopped being exchanged after that. I favor that over the rest of this. and a QM feature that could be used as an OPTION if you WANT to (like you can switch between p2p and tunneled) might also help calm the likes of the few that want it. Obviously, I'm not running the team and dont know all the work that would be involved in such a feature thats not going to be used widespread, just a thought. CNCNet team is bad ass for all their work. Thanks.
  8. I've learned to disregard any and everything that Wuss says. He is one of the single most annoying individuals I've ever interacted with. I think that the new ladder with mods/ww/firestorm being separated is awesome. That being said, I've been for a win limit against a player each day as it was in the past, against a point limit. The point limit will prohibit me from beating the #1 player if they ever stop dodging (talkin to u sexpro & kaizen). The old days it was 3-5 wins vs a player, the points stopped being exchanged after that. I favor that over the rest of this. and a QM feature that could be used as an OPTION if you WANT to (like you can switch between p2p and tunneled) might also help calm the likes of the few that want it. Obviously, I'm not running the team and dont know all the work that would be involved in such a feature thats not going to be used widespread, just a thought. CNCNet team is bad ass for all their work. Thanks.
  9. I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.
  10. I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.
  11. JMaN2005


    . if you knew anything about the TS community u would know that since the ladder came about the population has probably doubled.
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