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  1. You can look at the cncnetclient.log file found in your game directory and see what map it cannot render, then remove that map from your custom maps folder. If stuck, upload your cncnetclient.log file to this topic and I'll help you further. thanks. here is the log, I can't figure out what map it is Hello, The log points at these two maps: Try removing Maps\Custom\d94192dda5c1219ffe9599307bcd61f348067c5f.map Maps\Custom\Escape Velocity.map I tried removing those files now from that folder but the same thing happens again. Do I have to remove the map completely from the main game folder as well? Cause it worked fine before with cncnet on one of the earlier updates. Attached the log after deleting those files now as well. edit: I think I fixed it now by running cncnet as administrator cncnetclient.log
  2. You can look at the cncnetclient.log file found in your game directory and see what map it cannot render, then remove that map from your custom maps folder. If stuck, upload your cncnetclient.log file to this topic and I'll help you further. thanks. here is the log, I can't figure out what map it is cncnetclient.log
  3. this cncmaps renderer is always popping up after I login to cncnet making it impossible to play a game, it pops up and does something then goes away very quick then comes back again and does the same again. I was just able to take a screenshot of it just before it closed itself again so this error can be seen. it just never stops. edit: I fixed it by renaming "CNCMaps.Renderer.exe" to "CNCMaps.Renderer.exe.bak" don't know if this is a good idea or not though..
  4. blackn0x

    Bug tracker

    Having sli enabled seems to cause the display driver nvlddmkm to stop responding at certain points in game like the connection to other players lost menu or the score menu after the end of a game. Disabling sli in nvidia control panel fixes this. I'm using 2x gtx 680 cards in sli on windows 7. Also tried to enable 1 gpu rendering among other options for this game in nvidia control panel but same problem persists unless sli is completly disabled first. Does anyone know of a way to fix this while keeping sli enabled?
  5. Thanks, great work you guys are doing. Old games like this can be hard to get working properly these days. I've always enjoyed C&C since the first one came out in the 90s, but the last good one in my opinion was ra2. Too bad westwood isn't around anymore to make another one, they made the best ones.
  6. I have this problem where the maps in the list doesn't display unless I mark them with my mouse pointer, the maps seems to be there, they just doesn't show up unless I click on them with the mouse pointer. Attached this image to show you where the maps displaying are only the ones I clicked on, and once I try to scroll the list they are gone again. Is this a known problem with the beta? Edit: this only seems to happen with the "cncnet5_yr_skirmish.bat" btw.
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