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Everything posted by iMNaSTy

  1. Hello thanks for the fast response. When i play skrimish using cncnet client choosing ais the game lags too. i tried videobackbuffer on and it laggs even more. But i have another yuris revenge installed on my second harddrive which is not cncnet patched and when i play skrimish there its at full speed. I tried cncnet online patch on the second drive and it gave the same lag so it haves something to do with the cncnet client and my system (i guess) I used to play on Xwis servers for years on the same system and never had those issues i really hope that my problem can be fixed i really like it here on CncNet.
  2. (SOLVED) Hello there. Here is my problem when i play Yuri's Revenge online using cncnet client. I had never problems on XWIS and also not when i play single player is the game at full speed. but only when im using cncnet client and host or join any game the whole game laggs. ( its like the game wants to run at full speed but something holds it back) also other people laggs because of me. I have a high end pc and fast internet i will write my system specs below: Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7 Motherboard, Intel i7 4790K - Nvidia (Gigabyte) GTX 780 Overclocked, 12GB 1600mhz DDR3 Kingston Hyper-X Genesis, Primary 128GB Samsung 840 Pro Sata3 Drive, Windows 8.1 Professional 64Bit. 200MB / 20+Mb/p.s internet. I already have '' Videobackbuffer '' off and like i said single player works great. I tried reinstalling game, even my whole windows to be sure but the problem still continues Any solution, ideas or hints are welcome. Thanks you for reading!
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