I have several problems wth this game. First, I used the old 1.2 Installer. I kept the video files on my hard drive and copied them. Then, I installed cncnetv5. Tried to play, but got the menu bug. (The game freezes when I try to open a menu in the main menu. Next, I installed your patch. Same problem here. I also got a screen resolution problem when I start a multiplayer over the ts-spawn.exe. I only see the half screen in the upper corner of the monitor. This also happens with Dune 2000 Gruntmods Edition and RtCW (Except the lowest resolution!). I brought a new monitor last month (Acer XB240 with g-sync) because my old one broke... Since then, I have this problem with a lot old games in fullcreen... Tried 60 hz mode, turned g-sync off. Nothing worked! And know, the scaling is not the problem. I tried it alredy in the nvidia control panel. I uploaded an image of M&M 8 (GOG Edition with Grayface patch!) to show you guys what I mean. As I sayed, I have this problem only with ts-spawn.exe. GAME.exe runs well to the main menu... Then, menu bug!
Then, there is the new installer, 1.3 Beta10. I've tried it and when I run the game, I simply get a black screen in fullcreen mode. When I run it in windowed mode, I must move the window with cursor. Then I get a normal screen. But when iam trying to hit a button in the main menu, guess what? menu bug. But it's a bit different. The menu doenst freeze in this version, the buttons turn into white squares.
And I'am a little bit confused about Red Alert. You have two Installers. One is for online only and your's is for the full game. I have an old version that is called FullRA.exe. Your version includes everything whats in FullRA.exe, except The Lost (Video)Files. The file I have in that version is called "movies-tlf.mix". I want to use your version instead of my old one, but how we can integrate the TLF into your version? And I have to thank you all because your patches for C&C95 and RA are so good! This games are working perfectly on my new monitor!
Iam using Win7 x64.