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Everything posted by hxazgalor
After getting advice from a friend who plays better than I, I finally beat mission 5. I managed to slog through mission 6, so I've finally reached the finale. I honestly detest you for making Tanya a critical unit for the mission. I HATE it so much. I have to deal with so much shit happening and I have to babysit her all the time. Even when I move her to the other island where the outpost I had to destroy at first was, THE AI SENDS KIROVS TO KILL HER????? What the hell, man... Just make her a regular commando and NOT MAKE HER CRITICAL TO THE MISSION, IT SUCKS. EDIT: I figured I'd retry the campaign and maybe it won't be as bad. I thought after M5 it might be a little better. But nope. The longer I continue, the faster I lose my mind. M7's more impossible than M5. I give up.
I appreciate your replies. I do sincerely apologize for sounding rude, but I was pretty upset with how my run went. I learned about this when tgSacred posted about covering this campaign, so I figured I'd try it out for myself. I did like Resurgence enough to give this a go. I really don't understand why folks need to bully themselves into doing crazy things just for the sake of "fun." That's not fun in my book, but oh well. I'd still suggest keeping Hard for the veterans who thought Resurgence was "easy." And yes, I'm quite aware that I write long walls. It's a bit of a habit, unfortunately...
Of the five missions I've played, mission 3 was the only one where I genuinely had fun. It started off rough at first, no thanks to the omniscient AI constantly targeting my Aircraft Carrier. I had to restart a few times cuz I kept losing it to sneaky ass Typhoons. I do think that part of the reason I had fun was also because I got lucky a few times. This includes some good RNG with a few crates, one of which gave me full map vision. With that, I paradropped GIs in strategic areas to smash the Soviet bases from inside. Once I had two derricks in custody, and one or two helpful cash crates, I managed to muster a sizeable fleet of destroyers and dolphins. I parked my AC close to a third Shipyard, and placed destroyers ahead of it to intercept subs that tried to sink the AC. I then used my dolphins to skirt around the Soviet navy and took out their Shipyards, freeing me from the headache of saving the AC. Ultimately, the AC wasn't really important anyway, because I had paratroopers to drop behind enemy lines, and I had sufficient destroyers to knock out flak cannons that might prevent my paradrops from being successful. It still took a long time to finish, but finish it I did. I personally (and this is only my personal opinion) think that good gameplay should reward players for being able to exert strategic creativity in any way they can, without forcibly railroading players into a specific path owing to the map's constraints (be it the map itself, or triggers, and so forth). Mission 4 felt like it railroaded me, because I had to bum rush Grizzlies and take out every single truck that attempts to escape, while also dodging all the crates they leave since there's no guarantee that it's not a nuke in disguise. There didn't seem to be a better way. In any case, I'd suggest tweaking the difficulty so that masochists veteran players can have a hell of a challenge in Hard, while us folks who just play for fun can enjoy it on Easy or Normal. I may be here for a good time, not a long time, but I know my limits - and I draw the line at torturing myself on excessively difficult (IMHO) games.
I've reached Allied mission 5, still on Easy, and I feel like I've hit my breaking point. I don't think I'll continue this campaign as I feel like a fool trying to play it. I had to cheese mission 4 with the nuke trucks because I seriously don't enjoy surprise nuke crates. At all. Not one bit. And I have to manually target them? Ultimately, it involved a LOT of save scumming, only to get rid of the damn crates. I'm in no mood for Russian nuclear roulette, thank you very much. Mission 5 just feels impossible. I can't afford to spend my money defending when I'm attacked on every side, nuked at random places, hit by IC'ed Terror Drones thrashing my miners, tanks splatting through my meager defenses cuz I keep running out of cash trying to defend my goddamn base. At one point, all my miners got smashed by Conscripts, Tesla Troopers, Rhinos and Terror Drones - and I can't do shit because I've no money to build an army. And when I did try to muster an army, a nuke hits and my army is gone. I cap the derrick to the northeast of my starting location and it gets wrecked in moments. I build some defenses, and the derrick gets nuked. I put some GGIs, the AI sends a simultaneous rhino, desolator and tesla troopers and wreck me. I've already restarted thrice. I had to restart multiple times in the previous missions, some because of my own poor tactics, others because the AI cheeses me. And no, I don't want any easter eggs to help me. Also, why do I only get one Battle Fortress? Why can't I build more? What's the point in holding back more tech anyway? I'm sorry. I really cannot continue. Maybe it's a skill issue, maybe it's just bad luck, maybe it's other reasons. I don't even care if you wanna blast me for being a "n00b," or that I'm a "sore loser," just go ahead - I'm seriously tired of playing any further. I could blast through MadHQ's campaign on Normal and, though it had some terribly bad design in some places (especially City of Lights and The Fox and the Hound, to name a few), I managed to clear both of MadHQ's campaigns. It had a good bit of challenge, though it did need some cheesing at some points. But this? This one's on a completely different level. It's almost like playing MO's pre-patched campaign when Easy was still Hard. Resurgence was honestly fine on Normal, even with that penultimate mission, but not this. I can't continue anymore. I just can't. If anything, it feels like I'm playing against one of those custom StarCraft 2 AIs with a billion APM and I can't keep up at all. I genuinely wish you luck with your future map-making endeavors, but I no longer plan to keep up with your work.
Just when I thought things might go a little easier, the next mission happens. And I constantly get targeted by a mass of Rhinos, Terror Drones, V3s and Flak Tracks when I have little defense against those things with my puny GIs and Tanya. Dogs occasionally target my spies on occasion, so I can't keep them away for 1 second to scout the enemy base. The Allied AI is OK-ish, but I wish it'd at least support me when I need it, like when I get freaking jumped on by a whole ass armored battalion. I can't even outrun them. If I get spotted, I can only load from my previous save. Then, the Soviet AI will sometimes completely ignore the airport, while other times it will send a flak track to drop of an engi. I have no idea how to repel their capture attempts when I can't even leave my units alone to do their own thing. It's ridiculous. Help me out here. I really want to like this, but the first two no-build missions have really infuriated me to no end. I really don't want to save scum. I feel like I have to save scum not because I want to test things out, but because I HAVE TO OR ELSE I LOSE AND HAVE TO START FROM SCRATCH. Please, what the heck am I doing wrong.
I liked Resurgence, except for the mission with the hidden timer and the mind control threat looming over your head, so I figured I'd try this. But when I played the first Allied mission, it just felt like I was set up to fail. The fact that you only have a minute to defend your base before getting attacked with no resources (save for a money crate near the top of your base), while having to defend Tanya and a small strike force, while also watching out for enemy attacks with your limited resources and units, while also having to look out for enemy attacks when you're not babysitting Tanya and friends, while you have to fend off Apocs and Kirovs with only Grizzlies and GIs... I'm really not a fan of this first mission. It just feels like bad design. Not to discredit you as a mapper/modder, I just don't like what you've done. I've already had to reload five times as of writing this, and I'm just playing on Easy. I'm more interested in the story you've got going, so I don't want a gigantic difficulty spike preventing me from exploring your lore. Resurgence was pretty decent with its amount of challenge, except that mission I mentioned earlier, but so far, this one's not really instilling me with confidence. I'd suggest that you make Hard the recommended difficulty for veteran players; give them the one-minute setup time and limited resources to test their mettle. UPDATE: Finally finished the damn mission. Sold the refineries, picked up the crate near the top of the base, got lucky with some crates for veterancy, armor and health. I mobilized five Mirage tanks, four IFVs and moved them with Tanya. Blew the bridge connecting the Soviet outpost to the mainland, repelled the Kirovs with IFV dancing, blew up the bridge again cuz they repaired it, then quickly mobilized to reach the objective. I let my base die. Had to save scum a lot, too. Not something I want to repeat again.
For some reason, after updating my CnCNet RA2/YR client to the latest version (3.63), any custom maps (.yrm or other supported formats) I add to the Maps folder are not automatically converted like they used to. Is there maybe an error somewhere in that component? I have to manually rename the maps from .yrm to .map, and that is rather tedious. Would like some clarification on this issue. Also, what's the purpose of the CnCMaps.exe file? I'm curious; does it have something to do with the map conversion process? Thanks in advance!
I'm just wondering, is it actually possible to prevent CnCNet from auto-updating every time it is launched? And can I actually play offline games using the client? (since it adds some tiny extra features that the normal RA2 skirmish lobby doesn't have) Just wanna know. Thanks, and great to see the community thriving!
Sorry for the late reply. Is there any chance I can manually 'update' your client, Rampastring?
OK, got it. Looks like port 6667 may actually be blocked. I reached the lobby after updating RA, but initially there was no response from the server (us.irc.cncnet.org:6667). After a while I'm connected to CnCNet, though I think it's through an alternative port as you mentioned. I'm gonna fire up YR again and see if it works now, though I think I know the answer to that. UPDATE: Yup, no change, as I expected. So I can't play YR on CnCNet then? :'(
Thanks, but I do know the CnCNet installers are bandwidth friendly But I need the base game to play, right? That I don't have atm and am not actually planning to get for now I hope that's OK. Or...when you say "red alert 1 download" do you mean the whole game minus the big A/V .mix files? Or am I misinterpreting here?
That's another good way to troubleshoot the issue - if he cannot connect to the default port with Funky's client either, but can connect fine to the alternate ones, that would be another indication of destination port 6667 being blocked on his route to the CnCNet IRC servers. I'm really sorry, but I'm kinda lost with the terms you used. I'm not running Linux, nor do I have a live CD, so I don't know if I can do that How can I prevent the blocking of the port if I can't get the ISP to do so? Also I don't have nor play the earlier games, just this one. I know I can download the older games since they are now freeware, but I don't have the bandwidth to actually do so Many thanks anyway for your suggestions
UPDATE: Changed the subject and added some other questions Hello all! Newbie here, nice to be in this awesome community XD I have an issue here. For some reason when I try to connect to CnCNet via Twisted Insurrection's launcher, I keep getting a connection error, as you can see in the pic I've attached here. This problem occurs for both TI and YR. I don't know if there's some firewall rule blocking cncnetclient.dat or if there may be some other problem that I'm not aware of. I'm also connected to the Internet, but I don't know what might be the problem with the connection. Can anyone advise? Also, since we're on the subject of CnCNet, how do I play Yuri's Revenge through CnCNet (v5)? I have the retail version of the game installed on my PC and it can run MO awesomely (and MO can be played via CnCNet). How do I get CnCNet to work with my copy of YR? Many thanks