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  1. No, it's not. It's encouraging people to be more offensive. What i said was, you can't do anything to the playerbase that is bigheaded or mad. In the sense of "owned" or "Git gud" etc. However there is a clear difference between that and being a complete tool i.e. Racist, Prejudice
  2. I've never understood the logic behind ideas like this. How is one form of discrimination worse than another? The only argument I can see being made is against stereotyping people but here you are calling "idiots" '9-year-old dickheads'. Apparently that is less offensive than stating someones ethnicity? On a side note, do you really consider "paki" as a slur? Listen kid, your shit's all retarded but let me educate you. This game thrives off of competition. If CnCnet fails to provide a competitive environment it won't last, that includes more than the game-play and usually involves conflict and expression of emotion. If you want the community to grow your best to start a feud, not act like a woman and pretend niceness is some form of motivation. Sunny has provided as much competition to this game as I have to the gene-pool - a lot. You never understood the logic? Then why did you feel the need to reply? Saying someone is acting like a 9 year old is insinuating he is childish. No, it's not worse than prejudice for no reason. Yes i consider calling someone a P*ki, N1gger or whatever offensive. There is NO need for being an asshole. asshole =/= competitive.
  3. Player1

    Crate Bug

    You can remove the easter egg in the the client options, under CnCNet Thanks
  4. Had a similar issue, maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling.
  5. Gaming online, you're going to encounter idiots all the time. However, on a real note, for this community to grow, we gotta stop stuff like racism. Flaming and baiting is fine (i.e. "Noob", "Easy" etc.). However the moment you start using words like P*ki or N*gger or W*iteboi etc, you're just creating a toxic environment. It's usually the first step to a decline in the community. It's so nice to see the Ra2/YR community grow - its pathetic to see 20/30 something year olds acting like 9 year old dickheads. Regardless of whether or not their friends or old timers. Either Ban them or Mute them and move on.
  6. Player1

    Crate Bug

    Hi, I recently started playing again after several months. I have an issue with the crates. I dont see normal crates, but instead a red present box. Was this some sort of update? Thanks in advance
  7. I guess some of us of got ignored lol Either way, hope a alot of the idiots get muted/banned. I've found weekday evenings after 5pm GMT and Weekends 11am-3pm is where i've seen most people with ridiculous usernames which i won't repeat and people spamming. Keep up the good work
  8. Username: Rambo035 Country/timezone: UK / GMT Age: 26 Been a ridiculous amount of racism and trash lately
  9. Is there anywhere we can read what Updates/Changes are made when there is a small update? Surely that should be a Sticky?
  10. Now i know why i stopped playing in XWIS. Ridiculous attitude to have to another gaming server
  11. Something that should have been done 10+ years ago. Good Job
  12. I thought the YR Client already has a "RA2 Mode". What's the difference?
  13. I suspected a player of cheating against me, but was told by the others it is impossible. Can someone please confirm this. If Yes, why has this not been enable on XWIS etc. (Not calling BS, but just want to make sure). Would be great if it's true. Thanks
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