I've never understood the logic behind ideas like this. How is one form of discrimination worse than another? The only argument I can see being made is against stereotyping people but here you are calling "idiots" '9-year-old dickheads'. Apparently that is less offensive than stating someones ethnicity? On a side note, do you really consider "paki" as a slur?
Listen kid, your shit's all retarded but let me educate you. This game thrives off of competition. If CnCnet fails to provide a competitive environment it won't last, that includes more than the game-play and usually involves conflict and expression of emotion. If you want the community to grow your best to start a feud, not act like a woman and pretend niceness is some form of motivation. Sunny has provided as much competition to this game as I have to the gene-pool - a lot.
You never understood the logic? Then why did you feel the need to reply?
Saying someone is acting like a 9 year old is insinuating he is childish. No, it's not worse than prejudice for no reason.
Yes i consider calling someone a P*ki, N1gger or whatever offensive. There is NO need for being an asshole.
asshole =/= competitive.