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Everything posted by Dasha

  1. Dasha

    AI buildings

    OK, it was the first time they did it. I took today a map with a lot of water but they did not build any naval yard. So no change in AI behaviour indeed...
  2. Dasha

    AI buildings

    Hi, Last time I did a skirmish against AI. I was quite surprized to see AI building a tech center. I was surprized because in the original game I remember the AI never builds it. In CnCNet is now the AI able to build also other structures like a second construction yard, naval yard, service center, missile silo, ... ?
  3. Yes, it's fine like this. The aim of my post was certainly not to fix this but just to document the workaround in case someone else encounters the issue.
  4. Hi Nyerguds, No, I really mean in the main menu. To start the ant missions, after having increased the resolution, clicking on the speaker having Shift pressed does not launch the ant missions. I've to click more on the left (more or less at the end of the game title logo) to launch ant missions.
  5. That's what I did and it's working like a charm. Thanks !
  6. OK thanks. In the meantime, I re-installed the game with the original CDs and now I've the videos in FR. This is fine.
  7. Hi, I found a bug. When the resolution is changed compared to the default, the area where to click changes also.
  8. If I'm not wrong this movies10 is on Aftermath CD. I'll check. I just checked: movies10 is in fact the soviet main.mix. Main.mix being the allied one.
  9. Hello folks, First, a big thank to all the guys who made this project happen. I recently discovered it and now with my brother, cousins, friends, ... we can play together a game we dreamed to play together in the early days on the PS1. Thank you thank you thank you. It's also great that a french patch is porposed. However I can see that videos of Mission Briefing are still in English. Is the file "movies10.mix" containing these ? Because I've extracted movies1.mix and movies2.mix from MAIN.mix on the French CDs. If you are interested to make the game totally in French I'd be glad to share. I've also the PS1 FRENCH version of RA Retaliation and could try to extract the videos files (I see extractor exists...). Again, I'd be glad to contribute. Just tell me if you need these files.
  10. Hi there, I always found strange that in Skirmish mode it is possible for the soviets to train Tanya. After having a look in the manual, I don't see her in the list of soviets infantry units. Do you think it's a bug from Westwood ? Or a feature ? Just curious to get your opinion about that. ? D.
  11. Thanks for all this information. So I guess CnCNet only aligned allied countries and probably left Soviet units as-is... I'd have found it cool to have each allied with their own bonus as Westwood intended to. But anyway, fine like this ! At least other allied countries have no disadvantages.
  12. Is there an in-game option to record ?
  13. OK, many thanks for this answer. In the meantime, I discovered that description for the armor in Rules.ini is not even correct. So England has not the bug fixed. And what about the Soviets ? Do they have a bonus Online on CnCNet ?
  14. Hi, I had a look at the initial rules.ini file of the offline game and here're my findings : England is fixed but France not. ; Airspeed = multiplier to speed for all air units [larger means faster] (def=1.0) ; Armor = multiplier to armor strength for all units and buildings [larger means stronger] (def=1.0) ; Cost = multiplier to cost for all units and buildings [larger means costlier] (def=1.0) ; Firepower = multiplier to firepower for all weapons [larger means more damage] (def=1.0) ; Groundspeed = multiplier to speed for all ground units [larger means faster] (def=1.0) ; ROF = multiplier to Rate Of Fire for all weapons [larger means slower ROF] (def=1.0) ; BuildTime = multiplier to general object build time [larger means longer to build] (def=1.0) [France] Firepower=1.0 Groundspeed=1.0 Airspeed=1.0 Armor=1.0 ROF=1.1 Cost=1.0 BuildTime=1.0 [England] Firepower=1.0 Groundspeed=1.0 Airspeed=1.0 Armor=1.1 ROF=1.0 Cost=1.0 BuildTime=1.0 Turkey, Spain and Greece don't have specific bonus. The same is applicable in rules.ini embedded in redalert.mix of RedAlert_Online game. If I adjust it myself, would it be taken into account for games I'm hosting ?
  15. Hi, I'm new to CnCNet but I play Red Alert since it came out on PS1. Now I just discovered CnCNet and I'm enthusiast being able to play the original game on newer hardware. Thanks for this. I will post this question here since I dis not find a clear answer. Since v3.03 in the original game, a bug turned France and England bonuses into handicaps. What about CnCNet ? Is this fixed ? Or bonuses are even différent ? Also, do Greece, Spain and Turkey have bonuses ? I really searched but not found a clear answer about what is implemented in CnCNet... Thanks. Dasha.
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