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Everything posted by Ender_TS

  1. We should do the mission so i can make video. Just page me when you set map !
  2. Congratulations to Dizzowner & StealthNoob Congratulations to Jclay & Ender Both teams are in the quarter finals !!
  3. https://brackethq.com/b/icy8/ Link to bracket. Good luck everyone !!!!
  4. Sounds good! welcome. Thats right l3aldo - just play and have some fun lol Nice !! should be a good time.
  5. In December. Days are flexible, we will do similar to last years tournament. People coordinate depending on match-up. I expect it will take a few weeks to finish the tournament.
  6. For the 3 vs 3 tournament its random teams. You can find an allie for the 2 vs 2 tournament. People who registered are eligible to make teams.
  7. To register to the tournament reply to this post with the user name you plan to play with in the tourney.! 1.Giants Clear 2 v 2 : is default map. Players can select their own dream team. Each teams position in the bracket will be generated by random drawing. 2. Giants Clear 3 vs 3 - is default map. All teams will be generated by random drawing. Each teams position in the bracket will be generated by random drawing. Giants Rules Apply: No Harv Scout, No Harv Bom, No Eng Attack. YOU CAN BUILD OUT and ACROSS MAP If both teams agree to play NO Rules we will us the map Giants Clear 2 v 2 - Mr_Firestar's balance patch v1. This only applies to the 2 vs 2 bracket. No lagers allowed! If game sync lost we will remake. If a player disconnects on purpose and it's obvious it counts as lost. Last man standing wins the game! Games will need to have 1 spec from the TS Group on Telegram. Group members will post picture of final score or post video in Giants Channel. If you want to join the Telegram group talk to Mr_Firestar. If you want to post your Giants games on youtube channel let me know and you can get access. All rounds are best of 5 ( first to 3 wins). The Final will be best of 7 (first to 4 wins). Players who want to donate and make this more interesting talk to Ender. Tournament will start in December. Days are flexible, we will do similar to last years tournament. People coordinate depending on match-up. I expect it will take a few weeks to finish the tournament. REGISTRATION IS OPEN UNTIL November 30th ! Register NOW! Giants Clear 2 vs 2 Giants Clear 3 vs 3 Current Teams for 2 vs 2 bracket Tigerrr & Tro0per Dizz & StealthNoob Jclay & Ender Cabal & Momo Anti & Sultan Holland & BKAquaRed Jaro & Jens Ibti & Hichem Radeon & Baldo - maybe not available have not seen in a long time.
  8. maybe the only reason you could take the mcvs and wars is because he blocked the infantry rush Can`t be true. The units that die from fire count because we can see them in the kill counts. But this is a true unsolved mistery.
  9. To register for the tournament reply to this post with user names for each player. 1.BBG Super PROs Tournament is default map. Players can select their own dream team. Each teams position in the bracket will be generated by random drawing. 2. Giants Super PRO 2 vs 2 BIG GATE MAP is default map. Players can select their own dream team. Each teams position in the bracket will be generated by random drawing. All rounds are best of 7. First team to 4 wins moves to next round. BBG Super PRO Tournament NO RULES. Giants Rules Apply: No Harv Scout, No Harv Bom, No Eng Attack. No lagers allowed! If game sync lost we will remake. If a player disconnects on purpose and it's obvious it counts as lost. Last man standing wins the game! Games will need to have 1 spec from the TS Group on Telegram. Group members will post picture of final score or post video in Giants Channel. If you want to join the Telegram group talk to Mr_Firestar. If you want to post your Giants games on youtube channel let me know and you can get access. Players who want to donate and make this more interesting will have an opportunity once the tournament bracket is done. REGISTRATION IS now closed. There will be a price for 1st place of each tournament! Current Teams for 2 vs 2 Tournament: Radeon & Ender Dizzowner & Sultan_28 Antinataliz & Traveler Guesswho & WpX Cabal & Momodog Mr_Firestar & Tigerrr Tro0per_07 & Ray101284
  10. Congratulations to Mr_Firestar & Tigerr for winning the 2 vs 2 Tournament.!! Congratulations to Momodog & Cabal & Antinataliz for winning the 3 vs 3 Tournament. !! GGs WP and lets do this again.
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