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About DrDanthrax99

  • Birthday December 5

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  1. DrDanthrax99

    Kaboom Error

    Dang you're still running Windows Vista? (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) I'm both impressed and horrified lol. But, with that said, considering this rig is that old, are you attempting to run Yuri's Revenge or just Red Alert 2? If you are attempting to run CnCnet with just Red Alert 2 it'll be a non-starter, it requires Yuri's Revenge as well to operate properly.
  2. Sorry for the double post but I've managed to solve this on my own! This advice from DeeZire way back in the day turned out to be the ace in the hole, I added 6 Pool teams for each house, gave them their own AI triggers and missions (either guarding or harassing) and all of the sudden they're flourishing with build activity, dark blue is still more active than light blue but I can probably manage it from here. Thank you to anyone who took time to consider the issue, and I guess enjoy a very early incomplete build of one of the maps for the eventual Soviet Retribution Campaign lol.
  3. Hello! I come seeking assistance with a mission I'm working on, I've attached the map file as well. The mission has two Allied houses who are supposed to build units to attack the player and defend their bases, and they do, sort of. The AI seems to change its mind about what teamtype it wants to build on a whim, builds parts of some teams, quits, starts building others, is not prioritizing its "IsBaseDefense" teams over attack teams, and as a result takes far too long to accumulate a completed teamtype to complete their scripted action, be that attacking the player or guarding their designated waypoint. The dark blue house is also far more active than the light blue house when it comes to building despite both houses being at 100% build activity and an IQ of 5. I have a "General" INI edit to add a condition TeamDelays=500,750,1000 because without it the AI would take ages to decide to build anything at all despite having a trigger that fires upon loading the map to declare the player's house an enemy to give it a threat to worry about. I saw some mad lad in a guide who said he had set his TeamDelays to 1,1,1 but when I take mine below 500 as a starting threshold the AI doesn't seem to build at all. The only running theory I have at this point is that it has to do with the way the AI Triggers have been weighted, but I very easily could have overlooked something, which is why I've attached the map file so anyone who has any ideas can feel free to dig in and see what's going on. Any help is appreciated! sov01umd.map
  4. Looks good! Capping the brown base is definitely the long way to go about it I'd say XD When I was doing my final playthroughs before release my main tactic for beating this mission was just GIs/GGIs and Grizzlys landing on the beach near the hotel (which I would destroy with my Destroyers for a clearer landing zone, collateral damage be damned LOL) I appreciate the feedback! I've been compiling any bugs that have been brought to my attention/I've since noticed; and have been seeing what can be done for a patch to update the affected maps as well as lessons learned for when I am able to develop the Soviet campaign that takes place in this continuity. I was directed here for more map making advice so, I will probably be hitting this place up here in the near future!
  5. Nice :) looking forward to seeing your reaction to the missions!
  6. https://www.mediafire.com/file/rs2w1v25j6349js/Allied_Retribution_Campaign.zip/file https://www.moddb.com/games/cc-red-alert-yuris-revenge/addons/allied-retribution-campaign Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I was inspired by the "Yuri Resurgence Campaign" by Concolor1 (which is fantastic btw you should play it) and thought of an idea where after the Allies take out Yuri on Antarctica, the Soviets with the hindsight gained from time travel turn on them and try to take over the United States (again.) And thus, the Retribution Campaign was born. Presenting: A complete 7 mission campaign for the Allies in Yuri's Revenge which takes place in the wake of the Psychic Dominator Disaster, with the Soviets again turning on the Allies after signing the treaty to defeat Yuri. You will be taken to locations all over the world and beyond in your quest to stop the Soviets from taking over the United States. Deja vu eh? There is only one difficulty setting, "Normal" with each mission getting progressively more difficult, including custom AI opponents (okay it uses the skirmish build pattern in one mission, but the others are 100% built from scratch) and other tricks along the way. Renders of all 7 maps are included in the download. I will probably make a Soviet campaign in the same timeline at some point as well. FEATURES: 7 detailed missions for the Allies with a variety of mission types, including offensive base building, commando levels, defense, timed objectives, and more, sometimes more than one in the same mission! Custom AI, not incredibly difficult but more of a challenge than the out of the box skirmish AI the game comes with. Diverse array of theaters from temperate, urban, snow, and a surprise. Finale with access to all Allied special units and abilities (Snipers, Black Eagles, Grand Cannons, Tank Destroyers, American Paradrop, and Superweapons) CREDITS: Scripting on all missions - DrDanthrax99 Most maps were generated using the Random Map Generator ingame, captured with ARES, and then ported to Final Alert for editing/scripting. The exceptions are Missions 1 and 6, which were mapped from scratch, and Mission 4, which is a wholesale extraction of the Westwood map "DC Uprising" which was modified to suit the mission. Feedback is welcome and appreciated!
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