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Everything posted by ch!ll

  1. Fund deez nutz, & set up a yuppy beauty pagent or something...trying to set up a long ass, complicated do-hickey on a pirate ship with its timbers constantly getting shivered XD
  2. Here is this ^ "foundation" original guide in English as well Thanks nyerguds http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/manuals/Tiberian%20Sun/Tiberian%20Sun%20-%20English.pdf
  3. Much better, will be even much,MUCH better once I iron out the rest of the kink's...still have a lot to tinker with. This will keep me busy for a while. If anyone has any suggestions they can query just from watching please let me know(this shits kinda intense for someone who can only relate it to commercial, 4 color process, offset web presses as experience lol...this is harder!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p4ih54lZ44
  4. I copied this and put it in my notes and am going to try and make heads or tails of it over the next few days & see if it will even work for my setup
  5. wtf...I said I would bump this from time to time to keep the community informed about this stellar tourny! shut up energy52, your just...short.
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