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  1. It seems the map will indeed crash if you try to start a game with computers. Runs fine with normal players, is this something that would be fixable? I do like to go against computers from time to time Other than that it is a very nice map, cheers.
  2. oh... Are you guys planning on fixing it? It was working perfectly fine before the big update.
  3. Yes i start a new game then go to the load saved games button. Is there any way to make it work? Maby put the saved games in a different folder?
  4. Game freezes and i get internal error box. The problem started after the big update you guys did a while ago where everything changed. Any ideas?
  5. This happens after i got the new update. translation: typeinitializationexception
  6. the cncnetclient log doesnt say much but the client.log say something about an error. Hi - thats a strange one. Could you upload your cncnetclient.log file found in your game directory? Have you also tried exiting all instances of the client and retrying? client.log cncnetclient.log
  7. The online function suddenly stopped working, now only skrimish works. When i try to launch online it just pops up another window of the launcher. Look at the picture and you will understand what i mean. Any ideas?
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