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Everything posted by Philpy95

  1. Hi sorry for late reply. 1. Type "balance veteran summary 2.49 by HumbleTS" on google it should be easy to find from there. 2. On cncnet there is a list of maps that have the changes applied.
  2. Sup RA2 community. I have started watching/playing red alert 2 online and I thought of some ideas that I think would make online play even more fun to play online. Attack Dog -ROF reduced from 30 to 60 -Health Reduced from 100 to 50 Reason: Because screw attack dogs, the ROF nerf is because dogs are too potent against small ammounts of infantry and the health nerf is to increase anti-scouting as well as lessen dog fodder in tank battles Tesla Trooper -Range Increased from 3 to 5 Reason: Tesla troopers see little use it is mostly due to their poor range and this change remedies this. Flak Trooper -Cost Decreased from 300 to 250 Reason: To encourage more epic flak trooper plays!!! (No sarcasm) Desolator -No Longer Unique to Iraq -Iraq Removed Reason: Desolator's are a powerful but necessary evil, this change is to encourage use of other countries while getting rid of the now obsolete iraq. Yuri -Cost Reduced from 1200 to 800 -Prerequisite Changed from Battle Lab to Radar Reason: Underused in RA2 but not in YR, this change is to make them like they are in YR. Crazy Ivan -Damage Increased from 400 to 500 -Ivan's Bomb Explosion Delay Decreased from 450 to 300 Reason: To make ivans truly crazy and encourage their use. Terrorist -Damage Improved to 300 from 225 -Radius Increased From 2 to 3 -Tapper Decreased From 0.5 to 0.1 -Health Improved to 75 from 50 Like in YR Reason: The health buff is just for funsies because they got that buff in YR, the damage buff would actually make them pretty potent. Rhino Tank Nerfs -Cost Increased to 1000 from 900 -Speed Nerfed from 6 to 5 -Range Nerfed from 5.75 to 5.5 Reason: As a C&C fan you should probably know this needs nerfed... Flak Track Nerfs -Speed Nerfed from 8 to 7 -Cost Increased to 750 from 500 -Health 270 was 180 -Land ROF 25 was 40 Reason: Flak Tracks are one of the lamest unit's in the game from engineer rushing to being the strongest practical AA unit in the game these nerfs should weaken these abuses, the ROF change was again for funsies because YR made some irrelevant changes. Soviet MCV Buff -Cost Decreased to 2000 to encourage people to buy them Reason: This change both encourage people to buy MCV's and slightly nerfs selling MCV rushes, which is a good thing. Terror Drones -Drone DPS increased 33% Reason: To encourage even more terror drone usage. :devil: War Miner Nerf -At Max Carries 20 units of ore was 40 Reason: To nerf the soviet economy hopefully this wouldn't 180 the economy balance and make the allies economy better. :roll: Apocalypse -Can Now Move and Fire Reason: The least The apocalypse deserves is it's smaller brothers ability to move and fire. Kirov -Cost Reduced from 2000 to 1500 Reason: These "fearsome" war ballons shouldnt cost a war factory only to be shot down by a pack of wild flak tracks. :ranting: Dreadnought -Reload Rate Decreased from 80 to 120 Reason: Dreadnoughts shouldn't be so much better than aircraft carrier this change brings them closer together. Giant Squid -Buildlimit 1 Reason: These units are broken beyond belief and this is the best suggestion I could think of... Battle Lab -Health 1000 was 500 Reason: Battle labs are a risky investment which can fall quickly to anything including a rabid conscript throwing stones, this change is to make building a battle lab slightly less risky. Iron Curtain -Charge time increased from 5 to 6 Reason: The iron curtain is the best superweapon in the game and gives allies nightmares, this is to tone it down slightly. Tesla Coil -ROF 80 Was 120 Reason: To copy this sweet change from YR I think is a great idea. Nuke Silo -Cost Reduced to 4000 was 5000 Reason: Because nukes are a great thing and should always be encouraged (I'm talking about the game obviously) Psychic Sensor -Radius increased by 33% Reason: Because psychic sensors should be able to sense things. Demolition Truck -Cost reduced from 1500 to 1200 Reason: To make sure people don't forget about them. Amphibious Transport -Cost reduced from 900 to 800 -Health increased from 300 to 400 Reason: To see more epic 100% esports epic amphibious transport plays. V3 Rocket -Rocket Acceleration 0.8 was 0.4 -Damage 300 was 200 -V3 ROF increased by 33% (From 400 to 300) -Missile Speed Increased from 15 to 20 Reason: When V3 do get used they must get used regrettably their damage is so low and their missiles are not nearly as scary as dreadnoughts, this should change this without making them too strong.
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