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  1. When I play Ra2 mode, the viewer's right background image is distorted... like this
  2. like single player-skirmish-customize battle-random map
  3. Make ra2-spawn rather than fix bugs.
  4. Currently closed source for the most part (clients and other pieces). What are you after exactly and why? I am very curious about the principle of CNCNET.How to enter the game directly,and how to read the map information outside the game?Please forgive my liberty,I've been looking for a long time to read the map, but no results. :D
  5. I see the CNCNET is a open source project,but where to download the recent CNCNET source?GitHub?Not the latest.
  6. I can put it into the offical Traditional Chinese.Now the Traditional Chinese is only transform by the Simplified Chinese.But I can't edit the form.
  7. I believe, on CnCNet YR that's not possible right now. Normally though, you should be able to either right click the game and run as Windowed, or you run the game via -win parameter (can't remember which). Thanks a lot,but it is infeasible...
  8. I want to chat with my friends when I play Yuri,how to play Yuri's Revenge in the window?
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