I think the concept is quite novel but I'm not a big fan of it. I do like the fact that you can see defensive structure radius, queue units, and just some UI changes that better work with widescreen stuff along with just any performance/comparability fixes but that's really where my praise for OpenRA ends. When someone makes a fan-made "balancing" change to a game, more often than not it falls into the category of "Play the way I want or be punished" mod rather than something useful. The Flak-Track for the Russians has ridiculous range and one of the devs added in a five second wait time for engineers to enter a structure (at least for the RA module) after he got the tar beat out of him with an engineer rush. Like I get it some people don't like Engineer rushes, but god it already takes 3-5 engineers in Vanilla RA to capture a building. If you cant stop 3-5 engineers in a guarded base, maybe it's not the game that's the problem.
Anyway in summation, they changed too much and that's why I don't play it.