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Everything posted by Infarlock

  1. For now you can delete INI/Battle.ini to get it working, though there will be a fix for this issue in the next update too. I've just updated the client to .29 Still getting issues with the singleplayer, "Yuri's revenge has encounted an error...". Please upload except.txt for us to take a look. Also, what map does this happen on? You should find one in Cleint/ErrorLogs The client has updated to 0.33 I tried random maps and they all gave me this "Yuri's revenge has encountered an error...." problem. Dune patrol Blood Feud Face Down Cold War But I bet all other maps will crash too, would you like me to try a specific map? I attached 3 except.txt files Hello - thanks, all the exceptions are the same as everyone else, you're not alone on this issue. You can find a status update here: https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=6901.0 Grant, you guys are beasts, 0.35 fixed that for me
  2. For now you can delete INI/Battle.ini to get it working, though there will be a fix for this issue in the next update too. I've just updated the client to .29 Still getting issues with the singleplayer, "Yuri's revenge has encounted an error...". Please upload except.txt for us to take a look. Also, what map does this happen on? You should find one in Cleint/ErrorLogs The client has updated to 0.33 I tried random maps and they all gave me this "Yuri's revenge has encountered an error...." problem. Dune patrol Blood Feud Face Down Cold War But I bet all other maps will crash too, would you like me to try a specific map? I attached 3 except.txt files
  3. Got the same problem, tried reinstalling, wiping the game completely and reinstalling again, still getting this error with 0.29 and 0.31 clients. Got Windows 7 SP1 64bit. I would be glad if this could be fixed asap, can't even go skirmish.
  4. I just installed on windows 10 Grant, got the same issue. Is it possible my os is causing problems? I don't think it's your OS, because I got Windows 7 SP1 64bit I still get this error since this patch 1-2 days ago.
  5. Having the same problem too, both Skirmish and Multiplayer. Here's the except.txt http://pastebin.com/y8GgPaPs I have to mention that I played the multiplayer already, I installed a mod, played through it, deleted it (using programs from control panel) and made sure there are were no files left. Installing RA2, YR, the client and now I recieve this error everytime I try to play, all from the same copy of the game and I have no idea what triggers this error. Also I can play the Skirmish from RA2MD.exe but the menu is hardly responding there, I usually played skirmish through the client.
  6. Alright so I just reinstalled the game again and it still gives me same messages, error at Skirmish and tells me that I've modded my files Now it's 0.31 btw
  7. Few days ago I installed a mod which gives more units to the game and played the singleplayer missions, I completely wiped the game and reinstalled it as I installed it before Installed CNC and it updated to 0.28, I tried playing Skirmish to confirm that it works but I got "Yuri's revenge has encountered an error" Ok, so I had a nice game of multiplayer and just ended the day. Few mins ago I installed the 0.29 update that was released today and now whenever I go to a lobby it tells this at the chat: http://i.imgur.com/Rng0hch.png This message didn't appear for my yesterday and now people kick me from the lobbies, nevertheless I still cannot even play skirmish unless I manually open the .exe and play from there but the menu is slow af for some reason. Would be glad to receive some help, especially with the Skirmish.
  8. For now you can delete INI/Battle.ini to get it working, though there will be a fix for this issue in the next update too. I've just updated the client to .29 Still getting issues with the singleplayer, "Yuri's revenge has encounted an error...".
  9. The version of the client is 3.0.28 the skirmish worked perfectly a day ago, I reinstalled the game because I installed a mod which wouldn't allow me to play multiplayer, reinstalled, reinstalled the new client (which is different from what I had) and then I can't play skirmish anymore, I didn't try multiplayer yet, will try tomorrow.
  10. I reinstalled the game because I installed a mod and I couldn't revert it, tried to play a skirmish game and it gives me this error as soon as I press launch game. I have to mention that yesterday everything was ok only I couldn't play multiplayer because I installed some mod. Got windows 7 sp1 64bit, any help would be appreciated
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