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  1. Try to register yuri ladder, says oops something went wrong. Nothing else. I would like to register.
  2. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Thank you and yes here it is.
  3. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Thanks. I will wait for response or instructions bored out of my mind realizing that was what yuri's revenge really is... He gets me addicted then don't let me game lol YURI'S REVENGE INDEED
  4. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Thank u for ur quick response. Yea the dta client gets frozen and the yuri client never pops up, it just sits there saying Not Responding... Usually (before update 3.11.) Its would flash dta client then yuri client would immediately take over and overlay/inlay in the dta client. They would merge or what have u. But now this is not the case. It just freezes and doesn't respond and stays stuck on dta load forever. Never says error... But I am uploading my most recent .log(s). Thanks again. p.s. The client crash logs im uploading are the most recent but when these errors occurred it was during when I was connecting to yuri's revenge with the old version before the update when I did a reinstall not during the new update.
  5. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Always something. ALWAYS. Can anyone help? My problem is: I can't get yuri's revenge client to load after the most recent update. After the update when I try to connect to yuri's revenge the client is unresponsive. It just freezes and says DTA client "not responding". There is no kabooom error or anything so there is no error log to reference.. Any and all help is welcome. Anything else is just useless.
  6. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Wait.. Is this normal for yuri's revenge to be trying to load a Dawn of tiberium age client? Shouldnt it be a yuri client? I dont even know what dawn of tiberium age was I just googled it. Point is Im posting to this yuri ra2 forum to try and get help with an issue with this new update for yuri. When I do the update my client wont load. It just sits there frozen saying not responding.... I post about DTA in this Yuri/ra2 forum because im trying to get some help on what to do about my yuri game not working anymore all the sudden with this new update. I dont play any game on cncnet or gamesurge or what ever other than yuri. But now since this new update I cant get logged into yuri at all now. Any ideas? recommendations? suggestions?
  7. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    Im trying to do an update for my yuri's revenge game extension for ra2 and after the update when I go to load yuri all it does is freeze on a screen that says DTA client "Not Responding". Should I be posting this somewhere else?
  8. DeLtASn1p3r

    screw it

    I post something and it gets deleted... like no where to be found... I dont get it....... like every update the crap works crappier. well it used to now It just dont work. I NEED HELP FIXING MY GAME SO I CAN PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WONT LOAD. All I get is an unresponsive dta client that sits there frozen forever... HELP or just delete this post too since that seems to be the trend :ranting:
  9. I can't get update to work... Everything is up to date.. .NET framework, video drivers etc. But every time I try to do the the new update the dta client just says "Not Responding". Everything worked fine for me before, Im not sure what his new update is doing or not doing... All I know is I can't game and it sucks.. Any help is appreciated. Attached are my most recent logs. Note that these errors occured not during the freezing dta client "not responding" during the update attempt, but rather during a few attempts to log on using the old version.
  10. I repaired the framework and updated the video drivers and still have a not responding dta client.. If u have any solutions or ideas let me know. Thanks
  11. Should I just send the log through email? im still getting this msg when attaching or copy and pasting my log. 413 Request Entity Too Large The file size is only 1,467 kb
  12. I cant update. Kabooom error when attempting. Here is my error log.
  13. Here r my most recent crash log. If u can help me let me know plz. TY
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