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  1. Mi8

    Units build stop

    it just happened again. the units stopped. It was no "on hold". it just stopped at 70. i have to click it again to resume the build. any reason why ?
  2. Hi For some maps , the queue build for units is 299 instead of 30. Occasionally, i see my units build stop even though it has a number. for example, the tanks stop at random number i.e 63 and stop building. i have to single left click it again for the build to resume. Do you know the reason ? It happens randomly and occasionally. Is it a bug or am i pressing something by mistake without knowing it as the game is so fast.
  3. Mi8

    Mod maps

    When you use final alert 2, you can save map as the following game mode Standard, Meatgrind, Naval War, Nuke War, Air War, Mega Wealth, Land Rush, Cooperative & Team Alliance However i dont see see "mod maps". Where are "mod maps" saved and what are "mod maps" and how can I create a "mod maps" map in Final alert 2 ?
  4. Hello, Can you please elaborate how u disabled air units on a map? i am also using final alert 2.
  5. Mi8

    Mod maps

    Hello, I am beginner at editing map and did all the tutorials but I am stuck. I am trying to modify an existing working map. I have a working map in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Yuri's Revenge\Mod Maps and its name is oil.map with oil.png. When i load yuri, i can see the maps as "oil" in the "Mod Maps" in game mode. So everything is fine. I want to modify this map. So, i copy and paste that map as a copy. I then rename the copy from oil-copy.map to mytesting.map in the same directory. Did the same for the png and its name is mytesting.png. In the final alert 2, in edit->basic , I have changed the name from "oil" to "mytesting" However, when i load Yuri i cannot see that map. I still the original map "oil" but i cannot see mytesting.map. why ?
  6. Hi ask for next update:- is it possible for the host of the game to limit the units to naval ,air and land. sometimes, we want war with tanks only(which is land battle only)? we can only produce tanks only to battle.
  7. 1. When auto ally is set : 1:A, 2:A, 3:x, 4:x 5:B, 6:B, 7:x, 8:x x : is supposed to block this position from players. - or <blank> : available spot. However, when the above is set in auto ally and when there are more than 4 players e.g 6 players, the game still launches ? since in auto ally , only 4 players were set with position and there were 4x, it should prevent the game from launching if the list of players is 5 or more. 2. In the loading page, how are the players currently sorted? It is not alphabetically. It is not by position of map. what is it ? Can it be sorted by team first and then by the current logic?
  8. Hi Is it possible when the host select auto ally based on position, the map updates automatically the positions with the teams groups such as A, B , C (without the names of the players of course)
  9. Can i have another ask ? There is a bug in the system. When you lose power in certain position in some map, there is a reconnection error. When player in position 1 lose power in rekool map, there is sometimes reconnection error. Can it be fixed?
  10. the NEW auto ally in the new update based on positions is great. thanks for the added feature. This rocks!
  11. anybody knows how to program the mouse side button to CTRL and SHIRT and LEFT mouse button ? I tried to do it but it is not working. is it even possible?
  12. Hi I am a yuri player and play regularly online:- Is it possible to have the following in the next upgrade:- 1) Automatically ally players based on map position. there are 8 position max and up to 4 teams in a given map before the game start, the host can assign location 1,2 TEAM A - location 3,4 - TEAM B location 5,6 - TEAM C . Once the game starts, the 3 team are auto allied. 2) Cheat Map. There are some maps that give you unlimited money or have hidden trick. However, all the maps have a common name but no unique number when we select the map. So, I want to see a unique id for the map so that i can tell if it is a cheat map or not. right now, the map name REKOOOL but there are about 20 of them having the same name but i cannot tell which one is cheat or not. If there is a unique number, we can avoid these maps. Keep the great work to keep the community alive after 20 years.
  13. Mi8


    the new cncnet update is making games too slow. all games are lagging. can we revert back to previous version??
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