I'm a couple missions into the Allies campaign and I have noticed one strange thing, namely civilian buildings fail to load properly when I load a savegame.
For example, suppose I start the Soviet campaign, the first mission where you got to raze a civilian village, the very first time I fire up the mission, I can see all the civilian buildings on the battlefield, but if I save my game and load that savegame, or if I restart the mission from the Abort Mission menu, or if I go to the main menu and restart the campaign from scratch, suddenly the civilian buildings aren't visible anymore. I can see the oil barrels, the oil wells, the crop fields... but houses, churches and what are no longer visible on the battlefield.
For all intend and purpose, the buildings are still there, if I put my cursor over one of them, the cursor changes from the Move cursor to the Attack cursor, I can attack those invisible buildings, and they will explode when destroyed. I can also select those buildings, however the white square and the health bar does not appear. The buildings are also visible on the mini map, but graphically, they become completely invisible on the battlefield.
I somewhat found a fix for my issue: This issue only happens when I launch the game from ra95.exe, or RA95Launcher.exe. When I launch the game from ra95-spawn.exe or ra95-TLF.exe, the game works perfectly.