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Everything posted by dariuxxas

  1. omg im an idiot i didnt scroll up or down and saw the u must first have RA2 with yuris revenge to play CnCnet servers jezus crist and these messages make sence nowok thx for the explanations now time to forget thos or maby try and get cracked versions of everything to play online
  2. so basicly to play Ra2 not yuris dlc i must buy it from here or somewhere else in order to play and that defeats the purpose of playing for free in CnCnet because it say "play comand and conquer red alert 2 for free" that gives you yuris revenge multiplayer client and it keeps asking for the RA2
  3. Ok so this is weird for my as a starter guy here but here's a question? I want to download the original Red Alert 2 but i keep getting Yuri's revenge expansions. someone explain why can't i download the original?
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