Merry Xmas!
So I have a retro gaming computer running Windows 98SE and, as expected, CnCNet won't run on it. I would like to try to at least make it launch in such machine and perhaps add little support to this system, but I have no access to cncnet5 sourcecode (can't find it in github. It is not opensource?).
What works (only tested with Tiberian Dawn):
The installer works flawlessly
What does not work:
The cncnet5.exe crashes with the following message: "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=0xffe1fde7, Thread ID=0xffe04b3f. Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application"
Well, I'm no C# developer but what I've read so far is that there is a subset of dotnet2 that supports Win98 and the last Microsoft C# VisualStudio supporting such system is VS2005. Perhaps I can try to compile the project in this environment and say if I continue or give up.
Thank you for the attention. It is a funny request, actually :-)