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Yay! cant wait for the new release, btw i forgot to mention i did notice the ai repair destroyed bridges on some maps, funny thing is on arctic circle they were repairing the wrong bridge haha i was playing on spot 1 on A.C and destroyed the bridge right next to me and the ai was trying to fix the bridge on spot 3 witch was not even destroyed to begin with Oh and they also still build 3 kirovs at the same time Thats all i could notice il test the new version as soon as you release it
new discovery 1. tried on cncnet client, game does not crash on any map everything runs fine 2. tried again with normal .exe with the following results: i cant play any soviet countrys game crashes right on map start i can play allied and yuri now fine on any map before game crashed as soon as i move the camera but i switched from 1920x1080 to 1024x768 res and now no crashes when playing as allied or yuri but i still cant play as soviet
no still crash it crashes with a small windows saying yuri's revenge encountered a problem bla bla and thats it ... i do have cncnet installed to on my game do you think cncnet can cause a prob ? but im not trying to run the mod with the cncnet client i use regular yuri launcher like you said i dont know i can try without cncnet i guess
nope still crash, i actually tried to play as soviet but the game crashed the moment i entered the game i tried with every soviet country it all crashed on map start but for allied it crashes after 3-6 mins of gameplay same for yuri so i was thinking maybe i was doing something wrong lol so i reinstalled the entire game tried again and same results i might have noticed something the game crashes when im playing as allied the moment i move my camera dont know if it has anything to do with the mod but i wanted to mention that
So i wanted to do some testing and loaded arctic circle and set up a 2v2 match ( me and a brutal ai vs 2 brutal ais 1 soviet 1 allied ) I destroyed the bridge on my side but left the one on my ally's side So here's what i noticed 1. The first major thing i noticed is the ai can train units out of all 3 war factories AT THE SAME TIME ! yup thats right i just saw 3 kirovs come out at the same time 1 from each WF (the same is with tanks) 2. The ai sent a lot of tanks on the other side of the bridge i destroyed and they just sit there and do nothing the bridge near my ally is open so they can still come but i guess not they want my bridge lol (i did fix the bridge later and they indeed started to move the tanks) but thats just strange 3. The ai's air defense is garbage looking at their air defense i can prob destroy their whole base with just 2-3 kirovs and some good micro, maybe make them build like 10 flak trucks or ifv's 4.the ai dont guard Superweapons AT ALL! i mean these are pretty important buildings worth a lot of money and they just put a wall around them like always and thats it 5.i know you said the ai is supposed to guard war F , refinerry a lot better but from what i saw the ai dont guard War F at all 6. They dont bother getting all the oil dr from the map just the ones that are close by the rest they just destroy even if no one has them 7.the ai dont use the water transport AT ALL! ( i noticed this while playing on an islands map where there was no bridges ) they do use ships thou and a lot but i think they should still use the water transport to attack with tanks or units or to even capture tech buildings 8. Im sure you know this by now but the ai dont repair bridges .... I mean this whole mod is about making the ai smarter so i think they should be able to repair bridges 9. They dont use siege chopers to attack with at all they just build them and afk in their base 10. Same goes for battle fortress have not seen the ai use a BF to attack with or even to defend Wef that was a lot of writing and il do it again because i think this mod has great potential and i really want to make it better and to see it in the cncnet client
Wow this is super hard almost impossible thou, i could defend myself but when i ran out of money it was over theres even no point in getting oil drs they just destroy them instantly i even tried with bridges destroyed they just send a ton of air units and ships and the momment you run out of money its over Not gonna lie its really really hard but thats why i love it For now all i can suggest is if you can make the gold digger thingy constantly make gold there was a mod i played that had this feature because the momnent you run out of money its over But that aside really well done on this mod i like it a lot i really hope that the cncnet team can find a way to get this mod to work online i would like that a lot i will post again once i played some more games 1v7 This mod is exacly what the "Brutal AI" option in the cncnet client should do
Ahh thats to bad i really wanted to try this mod out with my friend the brutal ai right now are far to easy to beat even with superweapons on, its not even a challenge, but anyway i will try this out myself and try to beat 7 brutals alone if they as smart now as you say they are they should crush me, i might try to make a vid demonstrating the ai of this mod beating, 7 brutals is going to be a challenge.
hi everyone so a friend of mine and me want to play yuri's revenge online but with a mod so the mod is called "Deezire" or "Red Alert 2 Deezire" and here's a link to the mod the official website of the mod "www.deezire.net" is down so i uploaded the mod files myself https://www.sendspace.com/file/lr3byi i assure you the file is completely safe here's a virus total scan to https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/fb4badfb00d9308afce87f2a6ce17b88fc263cf1411ce6596bc0b450a6088799/detection so before installing the mod in the ra2 directory i installed it in a separate folder just to see what files the mod had and here they are https://vgy.me/LkJ990.png so is there anyway i can play with cncnet online using this mod what do i have to do to make it work ?