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Everything posted by sk0rp

  1. A sanity check is still needed after the voting... Treasure Isle was just added at the same time which gives that hit of gem picking in a pretty interesting map layout, so we don't need to experience it on yet another Ribbon variant.
  2. I figured this was the right place as it isn't my own personal computer issue. The low fps games are pretty widespread.
  3. I was just wondering but is this an issue that is on the team's radar? If you take my name Bane_ for example on this month's RA ladder, there is a total mix of average fps for my games (as low as 43 fps even...). By way of comparison, if I'm playing normally on CnCNet I can quite happily be in 8 player games with it running at full speed without any issues at all. Multiple other people suffer from the same issue if you go checking through the names so I'm not sure what's up really. It isn't lag but when a game decides it's going to average more around say 40-50 fps, you experience it as a periodic hitching all the way through the match (right from the word go so it doesn't worsen as more and more units and structures are built) and it leads to a pretty unpleasant game as it messes around with your build timings and Q and so on in what should be a fast-paced game. Is there any obvious culprit that could be causing dropped frames like that? Restarts don't seem to help, neither does running the quickmatch client directly with CnCNet closed and as few other programs open as possible.
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